Source Code

knock knock girl

a ho

she a knock knock girl...she gets knocked down by every nigga in the towers @ university of houston

by misstx March 1, 2009

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Knock-Knock Who Is Its

Humungous titties

That bitch got some knock-knock who is its.

by Bukkakegod October 27, 2002

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knock for knock

(Legal Idiom) The fault and consequences are bourne equally by all present parties.

My decision on the accident was knock for knock.

by Kung-Fu Jesus May 9, 2004

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Knock Knock Boobie Rock

As popularized by the "Worst Wedding DJ Ever! (Original)" video found on youtube, this move of unparalleled gumption and rhythm requires walking up to your significant other and essentially playing the congos with their boobies.

The move can only be employed at weddings while listening to Phil Collins', "In the Air Tonight," thus making it extremely rare to be seen.

"Honey, did you just see the perfectly executed Knock Knock Boobie Rock?"

by Genesis and Phil Collins May 19, 2010

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Knock Knock Open Up The Door It's Bork

Bork's name added to DMX's song "X Gon' Give It To Ya"

Knock knock open up the door it's BORK!

by Borkems91 April 7, 2010

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knock knock. who's there? a mirror. i am lonely. :(

an asdfmovie animation about a guy who tells himself a knock-knock joke while looking at a mirror then claims he is lonely.

asdfmovieguy: knock knock. who's there? a mirror. i am lonely. :(

by the everybody do the flop guy September 25, 2020

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Knock Up Knock Out

A woman so attractive you want to get pregnant to keep her.
The attractive level must surpass a desire to not have children. It will even override common sense however the woman must be a true beauty, not a decent one.

1. That Naomi Komaki is so hot I want to get her pregnant so she would have to stay with me. She's a real knock up knock out.
2. That knock up knock out is so hot I put a hole in the condom.

by Eater of Cherries September 24, 2004

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