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Gloomy, grey, depressing: basically a complete and utter hell hole. I'm not even a narrow-minded tosser who has never visited, I've lived here a while and it's dreadful. St. Johns is scally central...you call that a bloody shopping mall? The locals screech and whine with their god-awful accents and I get a headache after listening to one of these creatures for more than 3 minutes. The place somehow won "Capital of Culture 2008" even though it's crap and the only culture I've seen is yob culture. The only vaguely nice area is the Cavern Quarter. I avoid going out at night because the sight of tangoed scally female clones with poker straight hair and skirts up to their waists and scally male clones with shaved heads and their neanderthal walk truly disturbs me.

I even saw an elderly man throw a crisp packet over his shoulder while sitting on a bench in Liverpool. He thinks it's crap too no doubt.

by starstarstar October 21, 2006

107πŸ‘ 201πŸ‘Ž


A city in North East England located 40 minutes from rivel city Manchester. A very dirty city with very rude people. A harbour front that smells of dead fish from the factories, and also a city were kids are not allowed in stores after 6PM.

Liverpool customer: "Do you sell toothpaste?"
clerk: "Well what do you think you fuc*ing bastard? bloody ell you stupid person"
Liverpool customer: "GO FUCK A MONKEY YOU FAT BITCH"

by Jessiegigglepuffs March 13, 2006

133πŸ‘ 255πŸ‘Ž


A poor, crime-ridden city in the North-West of England.
The locals are known as Scousers or Bin-Dippers and have an inferiority complex unmatched anywhere else in the world.

The city often plays itself as the victim. Getting upset at the mildest of criticism. It's reputation of being a crime-ridden cesspit is often disputed by locals, who point to crime figures below that of other major cities. What the locals fail to mention is that Crime is so widespread there, most of it doesn't get reported.

It is the home of two football teams. Liverpool FC are one of the most successful teams in Europe. Everton FC are not. Tranmere Rovers are also local but are based on the Wirral. They reject accusations of being scousers, even through they have a scouse accent and the place is a dump.

Despite all it's poverty and social issues, Liverpool undoubtedly has the sexiest women in the UK.

Man 1: I got mugged again.
Man 2: Ah, you're still living in Liverpool.

Man 1: Look at the norks on that woman!
Man 2: That's scouse women for you! There's something in the water up there. I bet she's filthy too.

by Blooty Yeah Yeah November 30, 2009

74πŸ‘ 138πŸ‘Ž


A scruffy little city with a chip on it's shoulder and a persecution complex. Liverpool is within close proximity to it's regional capital, Manchester.

Liverpool wallows in disproportionate grief

by Boris Johnson September 1, 2007

87πŸ‘ 168πŸ‘Ž


A disgusting example of human existence, Liverpool in general resembles South-Central Los Angles, post-nuclear holocaust. They once produced the highly over-rated band β€˜The Beatles’, which should have, perhaps more fittingly, been called 'The Cockroaches', as the city is crawling with them, both metaphorically and physically. The inhabitants are probably the loudest, rudest and obnoxious people on the entire earth.

On being in Liverpool for at least 10 minutes, man behind in shop queu, for no apparent reason to person in front: "For fuck's sake, hurry the fuckin' fuck up would ya. Fuck me...".

by Steve657 July 28, 2008

73πŸ‘ 143πŸ‘Ž


There are many theories about the city but as a 16 year old living here is horrible.

Liverpool used to be great, it used to be the center of music. Now thats all gone there are only few people carrying the legacy of the city. The teens here seem to be animals they just waste their lives and attack anyone trying to get out of here.

And the way it's just all about football... it's quite pathetic if I'm honest.

Also there is nothing to do in this city at all well you know apart from standing on street corners or walking around town.

I'm just saying I hate it and can't wait to get out. ¬¬

chavs hoodies no hopers Liverpool

by fedupwiththiscity January 16, 2011

46πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž


The worst English team who do badly in the premiership and are sponsored by the worst drinks company ever. Their manager is Spanish and doesnt have a clue about football. They buy the worst players ever and also have the worst goalie (Jose Reina).

Tottenham 9-0 liverpool, Manchester united 99999999999-0 liverpool.

by jack_1994 September 30, 2006

78πŸ‘ 183πŸ‘Ž