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Laughing my sins off

Used by Christians who aren’t allowed to say ass

Bob: I just fell down the stairs
Susie: Lmso I saw

by Yuck yuck October 9, 2020


laughing my soul out

friend: says funny joke
me: LMSO

by sowofound June 17, 2022


LMSO means laughing my shit off. Instead of saying laughing my ass off (Lmao) you use lmso instead if you are laughing a lot harder.

haha omg LMSO!

by camilk 2% February 18, 2019


Laughing my socks off

Haha, that meme made me LMSO

by ihatetw April 24, 2017


Laughing my skin off

For people who can’t say ass or people who want to be skeletons

“That was so funny lmso”-Emily

by Jujubean65 December 23, 2019


Laughing my sperm off, you laugh so hard sperm comes out!

Dickerson: Have you seen the new video?
Big dick: OMG it was so LMSO!

by hanzie77 March 30, 2020


"Laughing My Shit Out" Used as an alternative of LMAO (Laughing My Ass Off). When You laugh so hard that feces shoot out of your ass.

Mike: My parents are getting a divorce...
Steve: LMSO

by picklejuicedrinkingman April 29, 2020