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shubba lubba ding ding

Something I say for fun and to be annoying.

<Awkward Silence>
<Me> Shubba Lubba DIng Ding

by adella_dehezuz January 25, 2018

wubba lubba dub dub

1. I am in great pain please help me.
2. Ricks catchphrase from Rick and Morty


by RIX3RS March 27, 2020

Wubba Lubba Dub Dub

"Wubba Lubba Dub Dub" Is A Phrase Used To Say "I am in great pain please help me."

Man Wubba Lubba Dub Dub is facts

by Dark Scopez July 18, 2021

wubba lubba dub dub

it is rick's catchphrase from rick and morty it translates to: i am in great pain please help

birdperson: morty do you know what wubba lubba dub dub means? morty: oh yeah the is just rick's stupid nonsence catchphrase birdperson: it translates to i am in great pain please help

by the true meme boi May 10, 2019

Wubba lubba dub dub

I am in great pain please help me

Wubba lubba dub dub that's my new catch phrase

by Toazty August 10, 2019

Wubba lubba dub dub

I am in great pain please help me

I just lost my friends wubba lubba dub dub!!

by _Britishbasil_ February 25, 2023