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You misspelled manga fucktard.

A: "Bro have you read the AOT manag before? It's pretty cool!"
B: "penis horse"

by Enslaved Weeb#1998 June 21, 2020

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Karens worst enemy

Employee, "Karen is here get the manager!!!!"
Employee 2, " No we cant afford another battle!"

by jkaldsfj;asd October 12, 2019

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A person that is constantly abused By Karens and deserves an award.


by Lucinda is Lit July 19, 2020

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

The manager

The manager - the girl from the group whose entire world revolves around fending guys off her hot friends. They all listen to her and are guided by her often harsh and irrational judgement. There are many known ways to "charm the manager" but the most full proof method involves one of the males from the aggressive group "copping the manager" as to ensure the rest of them males have a fair, and unfettered shot at the more desirable girls in the group..

Dude you've got to cop the manager

by Manager manager April 15, 2016

15πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


The person a Karen turns to in order to get free items. While the Karen's have an annoying battle cry, the manager has the ultimate defence.

They look at the security footage.

"Fucking Karen's, I'm the manager , not a complaint box"

by The annihalotor July 15, 2020


An absolute dick

β€œWhere’s the Manager?” β€œUhhh we don’t know.”

by Dungeon Dicks December 7, 2019

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A "member" of a sports team who is to untalented to be an actual part of any team. The manager is often so weak that a small gust of wind knocks him or her over. Female managers are often sluts who have no future however, they give great blow jobs.

Dude 1- "Dude look at that manager." Dude 2-"I know she is such a nerd but she's a real slut."

by The Antichrist of Your Ass May 28, 2015

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