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I was born in Maryland, live there, and have lived there all my life; I don't like crabs or seafood. How fucking ironic is that???

Yeah i agree with you all. Baltimore IS one big ghetto.

Oh, by the way, our state motto is not "free state" that's one of our nicknames. Our motto is "manly deeds, womanly words" or "strong actions, gentle words". seriously. I'm not kidding, look it up.

Maryland: the finest state around when it comes to crabs, seafood, sailing and lots of other stuff.

by futuretrucker January 23, 2005

69๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


like some others, its 2 states in 1. the west is like pennsylvania or new york, with the big baltimore/dc urban area; the east is filled with corn fields and is more like a hickish southern region; the oasis in the east is ocean city, which is like the jersey shoreline, not hickish like virginia beach; maryland's chesapeake bay is the world's diritiest waterway

baltimore maryland and the maryland eastern shore are like 2 different states

by StatesDude April 1, 2004

125๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž


i live in maryland, so i know what im talking about. blue state bc of baltimore and pg county, but republican in the crazy rich counties. its not southern (except for in the very southern counties and the eastern shore). annapolis - a drinking town with a sailing problem. the annapolitan uniform is khaki pants, a navy blazer, and docksiders (no socks). middies are the dates du jour for all the high school girls in the annapolis area. all those middies running around downtown are a beautiful sight to see! most marylanders dont have an accent, except b-more (hun) and the eastern shore (m r ducks). bmore - truly ghetto but we love it anyways. yay for seafood! if you dont play lacrosse in elementary and high school, you might as well not live in maryland (especially in Anne Arundel County).

rich suburbs, ghetto city, hick farmlands, we got it all!

by tralala August 17, 2005

91๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž


To the moron who wrote the first definiton... DC ISN"T IN MARYLAND!!!! Take first grade geography before you post about something you are completely ignorant of.

Maryland is about crabs, beer, and football in that order. Enough said...

JERSEY boy: "Hey MD sucks!"

Maryland boy: Kicks JERSEY Boy in the nuts and says, "Nice Blowout faggot, go back to your garbage state and stop coming to our schools."

NY Boy: "Hey leave him alone."

Maryland Boy: Kicks NY Boy in his nuts and says, "That goes for you too!"

by CrabsBeerFootball December 2, 2007

55๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


Usually a girl - not to be confused with the Mid-Atlantic state, Maryland. Commonly mispronounced as "Mary-lawn-day", people with this name will become frustrated with always having to correct you and have parents that think they are "trendy" or "hip". If you have this name you may become friends with people with awkward names such as La-a (La-dash-a) and Lawasha/Ladrya. Marylande's will usually shorten their name to Mary or use a childhood nickname for simplicity.

Teacher: "Devin?"
Classmate: "Here."
Teacher: "Sarah?"
Classmate: "Here!"
Teacher: "Mary... lawnday...?"
Marylande: "Actually it's just Mare-uh-lend, the e is silent. You can just call me Mary."

by Marylande March 14, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


ok, i was reading these definitions and i came to the conclusion that i have never heard anyone in my life say P-Town what a loser (Bamma 4 life). That was definitley not cool.

1. Everyone needs to stop referring to Maryland as "ghetto". Most people in Maryland are from Middle-Class America. Whether it be from lower or upper its still Middle.

2. Maryland is not just Annapolis or any other cracker-county or city you can think of. Where you eat crabs and sail on yatchs and love the Navy.

3. Maryland is divided up into 3 parts. DC Metro (PG,Montgomery,Northern Virginia also and maybe Fredrick county), Baltimore (Anne Arundel,Charles,Howard, Calvert,) and anything else that nobody wants to claim.

4. Even though Prince Georges county might be "ghetto" there is alot of contrast even in that county. You have the extremely rich and you have the 9th Ward (DC's Annex). P.G County is the richest black county in the Nation. Look it up.

5. Marylanders do not have accents. We just cant pronnounce the letter "R". Its Murrland. Drop that "Y" also thats how we can tell your from the north.

Maryland is one of the better states that was adopted into the union.

by Qu.Great November 17, 2006

78๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž


This state has everything beach, mountains,grass. It has the fourth best county in the country. HOCO (Howard County)
CRABS!! If you don't eat crabs then you don't belong. It's sub not hoagie, its hon not... well its just hon. Ocean City is the best beach but dirtiest town. Columbia is Prep capital of the world not to mention the is 12 High schools in the 3rd smallest county in the state.(Howard) Has the hottest girls at a university, Towson Baby!! No i don't go there but its nice to know. So move to the best state in the country its like a mini American to think of it!

Maryland rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Go Hammond Golden Bears!!!!!!!!!!Huntington Ma'Fuckas!!!!!!!!!!

by MistaMcVicka May 25, 2007

34๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž