Someone who obtains pleasure and gratification in order to be happy in life by being humiliated or mistreated, by his or her friends, family, and partner. Without this the masochist will most times be depressed.
"James is a masochist."
"since we accepted him for being a masochist his depression has went away"
8👍 3👎
A person who enjoys Soulslike games.
If you enjoy Soulslike games, you are a masochist.
1. Mark Fischbach
2. Mark Edward Fischbach
3. Markiplier
"People mistake me for some kind of a masochist which isn't true and would be crazy to think about it."
A person who likes pain or gets turned on when they get humiliated,when they are bullied they fall for that person who hurts them,they feel love through the pain lol-
Bully:Your f**king weak *pUnCh*
Masochist:haaa~!!! hit me more <3
Person who wakes up early to go to the dentist.
Dude. That girl is such a masochist. She's totally gonna agree to a root canal or something because she's barely conscious.
38👍 60👎
Main Entry: mas·och·ist
Pronunciation: -k&st
Function: noun
: an individual who is given to masochism
Source: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
n : someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment ant: sadist
Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University
"He is such a masochist!"
"Why do you say that?"
"He likes to be hurt by other people."
30👍 57👎
One who obtains gratification and/or satisfaction from self mutilation.
Since she gets satisfaction from making herself bleed, she is a masochist.
45👍 126👎