emotionless beings only on this planet to aid reproduction...to create many greenhouse gases & to break every girls heart. they are occassionally kind and considerate....but those ones are very rare, if you know one ...keep him!!!!
what were those pieces of filth?...oh just some men
1670๐ 1033๐
1. Responsible for all wars throughout human history because they are too irrational and violent to find any other means to solve conflict.
2. Unnecessary part of the human species. After being forced to jerk off into a paper cup at age 13 (which may be used later used to impregnate females) they may be sent to camps to perform the menial tasks woman are too good to do.
I actually love men; I just wish they would see how ridiculous they are and respect, love, and cherish women the way the deserve.
1639๐ 1021๐
A human that is male. They also have XY chromosomes.
Men are cool. To many women hate on men on this site for no reason.
19๐ 17๐
less humane, the opposite of women
grossly exaggerates overall achievement, ginormous ego
rarely wins a bon-a-fide argument, admits defeat quickly
hurls insults when rejected, loses face easily and admits lower status.
of lowly status on Earth, not God-like, and destroyed by God because they are evil.
weak decision maker, only thinks of self.
men: I want you to meet "my better half".
women: To hear him tell it, he was "EZ-Jack-U-Later 2"
men: Okay! I was wrong, I said I was sorry already.
men: "Fuck You, bitch, whore. There's more where you come from"
Bible: God made man lower than the Angels. God is not like man (men). God destroyed all first born males (men), etc., etc., etc.
men to women: So what do you want to do? Suck me?
1599๐ 1071๐
Selfish, inconsiderate, shallow creatures that have no idea how to keep their genitals in their pants. They think that the world revolves around their penis, and will basically have sex with anything in a skirt. Also extremely stupid and gullible, men idolise (and masturbate over) slutty models / porn stars / actresses, thinking that these ''beautiful'' women look like that naturally. They go on about how (insert celebrity name here) is ''so bangable,'' etc not knowing this woman is probably a hideous bag of lumpy skin underneath all that airbrushing and caked off makeup, which you could only take off with a powerdrill.
Q: What do you call men that's lost 99% of their intelligence?
A: Divorced.
1688๐ 1170๐