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The Opposite of Polyamory.
The state where 2 people exclusively date each other, and is usually the default assumption when entering a relationship.

L: Hey, I love you.
J: I can't, enter a relationship with you, I am in a Monogamous Relationship with K

by That One Tae Girl May 8, 2022

monogamous hole

It's a place where all the cheaters go when they've promised to never cheat again. A different specific version of "hell".

Tommy was sentenced to an afterlife
In the monogamous hole after a lifetime of breaking promises to many failed marriages.

by Zentastic January 26, 2018

Serial monogamous

A person who pursues depth, connection, growth and monogamy in another human being for a significant amount of time until reaching a plateau to pursue the next relationship.

A person who craves meaningful connection in a monogamous relationship in short amounts of time, whether weeks, months or years.

I’ve had six boyfriends back-to-back in the past 15 years in relationships that lasted two to three years each. I’m a serial monogamous.

by daniellethecreative_ December 8, 2018

Monogamous Getter Somer

One who is getting some from another exclusivley without being in a relationship.

Friend 1 - We are taking it slowly
Friend 2 - Sure, and it doesn't hurt that your getting

some EVERY night.
Friend 1 - Hey but at least I'm a Monogamous Getter Somer

by Negative Nate May 4, 2011

Textually Monogamous

When two people are only text flirting with each other.

Joe and I are textually monogamous. I stopped text flirting and sexting other guys when we started dating.

by HotPizza February 18, 2017

Monogamous Friend

A person someone has chosen to have as their one and only friend.

M.J. : "He doesn't get along with anyone except for his monogamous friend Lee, who coincidentally, has only one friend too."

by HardShellBurrito May 17, 2021


A monogamous mate or partner. A term used to describe a boyfriend or girlfriend in an exclusive relationship. Ex: he's my monogamate. Ex: we are monogamated

They've been monogamated for 7 months.

by Plasmadynamic January 11, 2015