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first of im a mosher and most of my friends are moshers i have loads of friends that are chavs but no offence to them the mojoraty of chavs are dipshits most of them dont even know what the word mosher means and moshers dont slit ther wrists thats call emo and i dont were make-up THATS, called being a goth tho not all goths do i have never ever herard a mosher say somthing like "aw you listening to somthing heavvvy? awww man im heavy" no in reality we dont say bull shit like that and yes most moshers hate chavs to bit realy i hate most of them to this is what its like:-

Mosher talking to mates: yeah so thats what you do
chav (dipshit) : yeah you think your fucking well ard well y not right?
mosher: *sigh* firts of all shut the fuck up second of all...
chav throws a punch hit mosher mosher recovers grabs chav by neck puts him on the wall and beats the crap of him now the chav is on floor crying mosher carrys on talking
Mosher:anyway were were we oh yeah so thats what you have to do




by Dommy_the_mosher April 12, 2007

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As a labelled 'mosher' for the last 20-odd years I think most people have a point with their definitions. I feel that moshers (or rock fans as they should really be termed) are generally personable and friendly, and are on the whole of above average intelligence. They are quite chilled out (in my case due to having rock music to channel any aggression that might be lurking...not in a negative way though) but have a chip on their shoulder about the general perception of them by society as a whole.
Back in my day (about 1860) there was even more distrust of moshers as we were a smaller sub-group than is the case now, and we were seen as a subversive influence. I find it hard to credit that this is still the case now, despite the fact that youth anti-social behaviour is often highlighted without any examples of moshers being involved (except as victims :()

I do find the individuality thing funny though. I always saw myself as an individual, as were my 40 similarly attired acquaintances! Peole who are labelled often shrink into the safety of the genre they're placed in and therefore limit themselves in what they wear and listen to. Genuine individuality is wearing and listening to exactly what they want without any need to justify themselves. Having said that:

Moshers are generally positive, intelligent and thoughtful people who have always been given a negative reputation without any justification.

Our television screens are full of examples of anti-social behaviour, but do any of them show anti-social behaviour by moshers?

by Burnley Jon October 6, 2007

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A person who perticipates in in moshing activity such as a mosh pit

Man did you see that mosher fall down.

by cody taylor cooper August 18, 2007

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Put plainly and simply - A person dancing in a mosh pit - NOT someone sat around in brightly coloured clothes. NOT someone who wears baggy trousers and skateboards (they're skaters)...

The front of a crowd at a rock/metal/punk concert is a "mosh pit" - the people in it are "moshers"

by Luke out of Vertiis July 30, 2008

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A mosher is someone who enjoys listening to music (around the metal/rock area) They wear mainly jeans, sometimes skinny, sometimes baggy, and a lot of them wear plimsols. They usually have funky hair, but unfortunately i dont. As you may have guessed, I myself happen to be a mosher, and i am currently wearing grey checked skinny jeans, a brown hoodie (NOT CHAVVY OR PREPPY HOODY) and them bulky plimsol things with straps on. i do not believe in god and totally despise all chavs and preps. :P hope i helped

i cant do an example, every mosher has their own personality.

by a random gal October 31, 2009

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A mosher is often confused with goths, emos, and metalheads but dont be fooled. The term mosher is simply a person who hates chavs and is often found listening to various types of rock or metal music. They usually wear black/brightly coloured clothes along with blue jeans and any kind of shoes that suit the rest of their outfit. Moshers are also known to be quite passive in their approach to life i.e. they will never get involved in a fight unless they are strongly provoked. They do have a rebellion side of them but often they will not aim to break the rules but to simply bend them. They may also tend to hide feelings from others and then release those feelings to rock music instead of to other people.

chav: oi prick, wt kinda crappy ass music is tht?! u shud listen to sum proper r'n'b music with a wikid beat innit
mosher: First of all, i'm not a prick and you are a hypocrite. Secondly, this music is fucking awesome and you only like rap music because you're gay and you want to follow the crowd and their dumbass chart music.
chav: u fuckin wat m8?! i'll bang u out blud!
mosher: Yes, ofcourse you will. I am very scared. (sarcasm)

by YesIAmIndeedAMosher February 21, 2010

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moshers dont have to hang out only wiv other moshers. Anyone who is sound enough to relise that moshers are much more fun than any other group. chavs/neds usually hate moshers because they are imature and think their hard cause their in a big group. the only time a ned will start a fight is if thier group has a 2:1 advantage. moshers dont need to listen to metal or have baggy clothes. its people who genually like to mosh in mosh pits a any concert. any real mosher will know this.

chav: look at that dirty mosher
chav2: ye lets kick his arse even though we dont have a reason
mosher stands his ground and the chavs shit themselves cause they arent actually intimidating anyone
mosher: lol

by -tj- January 15, 2008

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