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The bitch responsible for hurricanes, tornados, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, blizzards, volcanos, landslides, avalanches, and wild fires.

Dude, the midwest just got fucked up again by nature.

by jay-x May 2, 2008

49๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž


A state of being that everyone secretly aspires to as long as they don't have to experience it first hand.

Guy A: For my new year's resolution I vow to be one with nature

Guy B: Wow, so you're going to go without proper clothing, transport, entertainment or even shelter and exist on a diet of tree bark and bugs?

Guy A: Uh, I was thinking more along the lines of buying organic potatoes... but when you put it that way it makes my perception of nature sound flawed. I'm going to drive home now, watch TV and eat a giant take out pizza before going to bed in my comfortably heated house.

Guy B: You're welcome..

by anonnonononononon August 7, 2006

30๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


When Nature gets a hold of you in uncontrollable ways. There is something in the air that makes you want to do things you arent normally acustomed to doing. The musk of oxe and the combination of countries (United States and Canada) united to make one resourceful way of changing human kind.

Jay and I went to meijers to cause nature.

The shingle on the roof magically disappeared because of nature.

The forest behind our house was taken out by nature.

I cant wait for the water to freeze so nature can occur.

Did you see nature last night?

"Who ate the quesedillas on the ride home?" "must have been nature!"

Starting fires in a glass cup in a living room can only be natures fury leashing back.

by Ecass23 January 19, 2007

23๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž



1.) comfortable in your own skin allowing beautiful things to happen

2.) the look and feeling of not being forced or fake and having the best time ever

3.) tan lines

That girl Isabella is so fucking natural her mascara didnโ€™t even drip in the pool.

by Isabellabadbitch May 26, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Lots of horribly, ungodly, dangerous stuff that grows from dirt. Like leaves, plants, bugs, and bears. Lots of bears.

NATURE JUST GROWS BEARS. and they climb in your windows. When nature gets in your window, sissy slap everything in a 5 mile radius to ensure complete safety of crack addicted bears. When one also encounters nature in their room when talking to a friend on AIM/Facebook or any other IMing devices, they should slap on their keyboard vigorously to make their point clear that nature has been seen and or dealt with in a mannor of more sissy slapping. Also when something goes wrong in a way you have no idea why it happened, just sissy slap your keyboard and put "nature" at the end of the product.


2. OIWGJHW498FU2938XRY2R389YX3489TNYQPIUEP98UM4PX9C384UY9P483UP983U4T9P8nature.

problem solved!

by KenoTheSalsaDawg August 18, 2010

30๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used in Warcraft III to denote gold mines which are located near the starting base of a player. These mines are typically lightly guarded and hence favor Humans and Night Elves that can expand them quickly.

Lost Temple is so imba. A human can have level 2 and expand his natural within the first 3 minutes of the game.

by Werx April 23, 2005

19๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


Nature! (Exclamation) - What one says when one farts outdoors.

Comes from "being one with nature" when one farts.

The phrase "Nature!" can ONLY be used outdoors.

When the party guilty of flatulence calls "Nature!", the fart and farter MUST be forgiven, and then sometimes high fived.

(Mysterious fart)
Alex: What is that smell?!?!
Oliver: Hey Alex! (Farts again) Nature!
Alex: (High fives Oliver)

by elm_Arches March 6, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž