Slang; used to joke at the Extremely offensive, derogatory word "nigger"
Yokel: Wassup my negotiator!!! when play Roblox and take crack? Nigerian prince: What the hell did you just call me yeh id10t smooth brain wench?
The act of unconditional surrender without confrontation and willfully providing whatever is desired to an aggressor.
Guy 1: So, you let that bully kick your dog, and sodomize your girlfriend, after which you gave him all the money in your wallet and wished him a pleasant weekend?
Guy 2: Yep
Guy 1: Wow, you've mastered the art of French Negotiation!
Retro-negotiate: To offer up new terms and conditions to a deal previously made when the outcome does not go your way.
Joe thought he would win the bet but when he lost, he tried to retro-negotiate the amount he now owed.
Replacing the "Portuguese man o' war "
With "European they/them of assertive negotiation ",fully inclusive , English for the woke .
I saw a "European they/them of assertive negotiation" by the sea yesterday, They sting is said to be potentially lethal.
No. I'm not. I'm telling you the future. I'm like the world's most famous seer! I was right about Trump losing the 2020 election due to the lockdowns. I told you not to do it and you didn't listen. And I can see here that there are 2 possible futures. One where those things I said were going to happen... Happen... And another one where something terrible happens! And the only way to avoid this is to bring the first prediction to fruition! OoOoOoOoOoOo!
Hym "Negotiating implies I'm trying to convince you of something. I'm not. I'M A SEER WHO CAN SEEEEE THE FUUUTUUUURE! And what you're done is dive head first into the bad future. I can't aim to convince you of anything because I know that you are basically retarded. Can one convince a dog to stop eating it's own shit? Can one convince a retard to stop cooling on themselves? It would be folly to even try. So I'm not."