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drunk. fucked up. loaded etc

im juiced off that 5th of paul masson

by 2DizzY3 January 23, 2011

23πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

The Juice

The Juice is temporary, anyone can obtain The Juice, it kinda comes and goes, unlike The Sauce

(Upon seeing someone with a nice car) Ah he got The Juice.
In the fridge, Simply Lemonade only lasts a couple days maybe, that is The Juice.

by Real Rock And Roll July 17, 2017

36πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


When you are irresistible to the opposite sex. In some cases, if you have extra juice you are irresistible to both.

Candace: "Ugh another guy at work wants to take me out, idk why. I don't even acknowledge them."
Nicole: "You got the juice ma"

by NThot March 26, 2014

39πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

The Juice

The opposite of The Sauce;
The Juice is temporary coolness that is usually obtained through money

Hey did you see josh’s new car? He’s got the Juice.

by vinchester08 July 30, 2018

60πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


Getting Juiced - Being ripped off, hoodwinked, bamboozled. Also an action performed by gold diggers when they're on the make.


Lil Dawg: Man I just paid $100 for this fake Gucci shirt
Big Dawg: My n**** u just got JUICED!

Lil Dawg: Dang Bro my old girl borrowed $300 from me just now to fix her car but I caught her at Nordstroms shoppin
Big Dawg: dang bro she workin with that power juicer..and u a sucka!

by refri3dnoodle May 13, 2009

102πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž


Meaning that something or a certain situation is to one's liking. Same as the saying "cool"

Say man, i got some hoes comin over later for us!

O, okay. Juice!!

by Daddy D DOUGH March 8, 2009

29πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A term used as a synonym for GHB, a popular party drug amongst the club and rave scene.

"I love getting on the juice."

"Wow, he is really juiced."

"Did you notice how much juice that guy had taken?"

by ![Blinky/maiL]! July 1, 2009

49πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž