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Noobie boobie

A person that's annoying and doesn't know what there doing

That guy is a noobie boobie because he doesn't know how to play this game

by Mrs.DallasπŸ’— November 25, 2015

Noobie poopie

Someone who is trash and like poop

You suck at the game your a noobie poopie😑

by Eurirhehejduhdebhe January 14, 2021

Nooby Dick

A numb penis a embarrassing subject to talk about

Female: Omg my Husband has the noobest dick in all of oz!
Male: Hunny you shouldn't mention my nooby dick

by PussyHandler369 December 14, 2018


Noobie-boobie is a laffable term used by sarcastic anti-internetspeak people to mean noob/newb/nuub etc. noob

"U DON'T KNOW WAT A TP IS??!?!?!? AAAAAHAHAHA U NOOBIE-BOOBIE!!!!!1111!!!11oneoneone

by Gibbo April 20, 2005

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


new person

Oh your such a nooby. Your so noobness

by charlotte delo October 25, 2003

13πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Reality Nooby

A reality nooby is somebody who fails at doing things in real life situations. See "noob" for videogames

Person One (Taylor): "wow, that person just called me a noob in this video game."
Person Two (Anthony):"lol, well my mom just called me a reality nooby in real life"

by Zinesick December 18, 2010


A noob at call of duty he enjoys using noob tubes and shoutguns. singular version of noobie-cake which means a team of noobie-cakers.

A level 1 noobie-caker has no idea what hes doing, he is using noob tubes.

by Yur boti November 15, 2009