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when you listen to punk, it makes you feel angry and alive, you want to make shit and fuck shit up, and in that moment you really honestly don't give a fuck what anybody thinks about you. that's what punk is about. it doesn't matter what you look like or what you listen to; it's about feeling that raw energy. punk is like the statue you get to touch in a museum full of things you have to stand six inches away from. and now you're going to make it yours.

seriously, put on some punk and see if you can feel it.

by hemorrhage July 9, 2010

24๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Noun (slang) A male homosexual, often one in jail or prison and forced unwillingly (typically physically, or with threat of physical violence) to perform fellatio and/or to submit to the recieving role in anal sodomy. Sometimes physically small and/or young and often effeminate.

Verb (slang) The act of forcing, sometimes using physical violence or threat of physical violence, a male into performing homosexual acts, typically against his will and often in a institutionalized situation such as a jail, prison, or mental hospital.Compare to Turn Out
--(tenses) Punked, Punking, Punks

N. Hey Punk, how do you like your new cellmate, Billy Bob?

V. Billy Bob punked that new kid out the first night he was in his cell.

by ggilley June 16, 2005

21๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


punk is all about being yourself, liking what you like, doing what you do and not having to live upto someone elses expectations, only your own. there is no dress code, hair colour or rules to be punk, since punk is about being true to yourself.
chavs hate people they think are punks mainly because they are scared of difference and wonder why on earth someone in the whole world can use their own brain without having to chip into someine elses thoughts and feelings for a change
***punk music rawks =P***

1) "I don't care what you think about me Im happy doing what I do, let me live it man!" =P

2) chav: "oi geeza! hes a punk innit? he dow know dat da punks am dead n stuff haha (thinks to self I wish I was that independant just not using the word independant since they dont understand the meaning) Lets all go knock him ouuuw in fronta ev'ryone should be laf innit? *giant group of 400 scared chavs approch punk*
punk: "grow up ned! go get laid by someone who has actually developed tits!"

by Trinkbar_Trina August 30, 2005

233๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž


Punk isn't "all about the music". Punk isn't beating up people you don't like. Punk is rebelling against what you don't believe in. Punk is the DIY ethic. You are not a punk if you shop at Hot Topic. No, rephrase that, you aren't a punk if you claim to be one BECAUSE of the fact that you shop at Hot Topic. Many people say punk is not buying into big corporations. True, but its okay to give in every once in a while. Punk is not being a total asshole to everyone you see, and excluding people because they aren't "punk" enough. Punk is all about being you, not what MTV tells you to be.

And no, having a mohawk doesn't make you punk. Neither does watching SLC Punk.

Ignorant twit wearing Simple Plan shirt: Oh my god, I look totally punx rawks right now!!
Me: ...Are you stupid?
Ignorant twit: Whatever, you just wish you were a real punk.
Me: Jebus, you probably don't even know what DIY stands for. Pathetic...
Ignorant twit: Whatever, I have a Good Charlotte concert to go to.
Me: And I have a Bloodclots show to go to. Off with you!

by ThePunkRockKid March 29, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Punk is a lifestyle.
A mental state.
The need to shake off all supression.
To be FREE.
Remember that word, Free.
It's listening to the Ramones in a basement with friends while smoking a blunt.
It's kicking over a sign and saying FUCK THAT.
It's defying the rules that you see to be unfit.
It's defying the system that you see to be stupid.
It's Punk.

A poser is that who will take this definition.
Go out, and do exactly what was written.

"A guy walks up to me and asks 'What's Punk?'. So I kick over a garbage can and say 'That's punk!'. So he kicks over the garbage can and says 'That's Punk?', and I say 'No that's trendy!"

by Vatani March 13, 2007

25๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


i dont give a fuck, that should sum it up quite nicely.

think for yourself and then you'll understand what punk is and not what they say it should be.

by p-rock of above the arch December 13, 2008

51๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


Punk is a type of music.

Punk is a way of thinking.

Punk is a way of believing.

Punk is not what you wear.

Punk is not Blink-182. (Sorry, folks...)

Punk is not Sum 41!

Punk, is believing what you what to believe. Punk is going against the world. Punk is not caring who stares at you says "OH MY, WHAT AN AWFUL PERSON THAT MUST BE!". Punk is feeling what you want to feel, being who you want to be, punk is being somebody.

Punk is not what you see television! Or hear on the radio. Or read about in books or magazines! Punk is not about being like all the guys with mohawks and chelseas!


And it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, happy or sad, black or white, catholic or atheist. It doesn't matter if you live in a house, an apartment, a basement or on the street! PUNK ACCEPTS ANYBODY! ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY!

"Oh, I'm so punk, because, I just bought a Sex Pistols t-shirt!"= No.

by Bronx. September 9, 2007

122๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž