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Nubby Fuck

nubby fuck (noun, adj. verb): sexual intercourse with the pointer toe. see also: tc

I nubby fucked that last night.

i like your feet. wanna nubby fuck?

by nubbyguzzler September 5, 2009

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nubbie pants

An insult that is similiar to nubtard or n00b muffin.

"duggan, you're such a nubbie pants!"

by psych ward August 15, 2006

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Mc nubby


Oh look who's gotur roaches mc nubby got ur roachez

by Mcnubz&LR September 3, 2022

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Frozen Food Nubbies

The automatic hardening and perking of the female nipples when at the grocery store shopping in the frozen food section.

Chaz: Dude, come with me down the frozen food isle.
Kurt: Why?
Chaz: I just saw two hotties opening up a display case near the Stouffer's dinners. We are about to see some hot Frozen Food Nubbies.
Kurt: Sweeeeeet!!

by Eaton Holgoode June 25, 2009

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nubby nub tubs

people who suck at playing video games that kills you in some sort of nubish way.
other definition: the act of being a gay nub

ian: these guys suck. they keep killing me with nubish weapons. they're nothing but nubby nub tubs!!!

kyle: hahaha, (inside kyle's mind: I'll put that ian is a nubby nub tub in my bio just to make fun of him)

by thatotherurb15 June 21, 2009

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Nubby Studs

The little, uhh, little studs on like, uhh, them boots, and they're nubby.

I like my woman like I like my nubby studs: nubby studs

by murri-isms June 12, 2021

nubby nub

Sweet bundle of joy

He's my nubby nub.

by Kellzk May 15, 2016