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The feeling is honesetly somtimes really really hard to explain but i will do my best. Just as it sounds. To be as HIGH as a kite. To be able to feel what a bird feels when you close your eyez and begin to access you imaginative cortex of your brain. Your heart beats faster in the begginning and your eyez grow, followed by a temperature(if you dont get a temp. then your not high enough......take another hit!). You will find yourself laughing at the most miniscule(smallest) things, and your perception will widen. YOu will start to notice things you never would have noticed if sober. Everyone i belive has a inner person living inside who doesnt come out too often, Marijuanna brings em out. He will be very different than YOU. Not all the time but he will be everything your not, meaning he will be rude and clumsy and will get you into trouble(So please use this as a recreational activity and dont drive when high. Only continuous users can handle driving and even they mess up. I wanted to finish here but thats just the tip of the iceberg. One cornea in your eye will get big and one will become small, some more than others. Some people get aggressive when high, some get nice and comfortable. Depends on the person but mostly on the type of Herb(type of marijuanna). Music, Video Games, Movies(especially Comedies) highten the high. If your at a party youll find youve never danced like you did or somtimes the opposite happens. The sound of the music whether Rap or classical will be heard in a totally different perspective. You will find yourself standing/sitting and listening so carefully as if its the last track that will ever be played again, and when finished you will be like OHH WWWOOOWWW dat was tooo kooo man " PLay DAt Shit AGAIN" and you just might be at it for a few hours or so before you realize that you had to be at work an hour ago. I work at an arcade and i got high with a co worker once. And so i go to a car game and stare at it thinking how freakin koo it is, the car when racing looked like a spaceship. I wish i couldve shared that moment with everybody. But ALL GOOD THINGS MUST COME TO AN END. Enter The Downing Stage. Basically "dude ima close my eyez for a sec" or "im tired". Allright I think I did an allright job as to explaing what High Feels like but the best way Just smoke man. Its not a big deal, your not gonna get addicted after one time I PROMISE. All that i ask is that you do it responsibly. Thank you BLAZE

hahahaha........ continued by more uneccesary laughter

eh yoo let wrap up a blunt and get high maann

by BLAZEon420 September 4, 2006

88πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


There are several phases to getting high off marijuana:
1. Head Change: after hitting it once or twice you start to feel somewhat light, maybe carefree, or that you're head is buzzing
2. Chillen- you are suddenly calm and relaxed
3. Buzzin- things might start to be funny and suddenly everything seems to be from a different perspective
4. HIGH- you've finally achieved your goal! you're probably laughing at every word that comes out of your friend's mouth and your eyes are probably bloodshot and squinty by this point- congrats!
5. Trippin- this state is past high- and you usually have to smoke a lot more to achieve this state. You're probably start saying weird things and having insane thoughts. This can also be associated with a body high where you feel crazy sensation- uncontrollable laughter is still taking place
6. FAAADDEEDDD- where youre so faded that all you can say is BRO, IM FAAAADDDEDD
7. So Fucking High- this is usually where you are simply too retarded to do anything other than laugh at stupid shit or listen to music and eat. This is a great point, but the comedown is probably going to be a bitch
8. Baked/Stoned- after achieving a great high, this phase is the begginning of the comdown where all you want to do is eat and sleep.

"That chronic made me choke, shit that aint a joke"
"You high?"

by k lacito April 28, 2009

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The alternate state of being that you enter after using certain drugs or sniffing certain things. You will feel very surreal and look at things with a different perspective. You laugh at a lot of silly things, speak differently and have impaired motor skills. Your blood pressure usually goes down, sometimes to the point of fainting. But that's not a point. Being high is an experience that is nearly unparalleled and cannot be described. People say that getting high kills brain cells, but that's because your brain is oxygen-deficient from smoking or sniffing in the first place (That's how people get high off of whiteout and sharpies)

A really funny thing to do to people who get high is say "Do you want some food?" and they'll probably say "Yeah" and then you say "Well too bad I don't have any...bitch." There was this kid who used to come in class high every time and one day we put an imaginary box on his head and he started flipping out, yelling "Get it off! I can't see!"

by The Mr Needles Experience September 26, 2007

37πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


1. High
2. Blazed
3. Stoned
4. Baked
5. Goofy
6. Trippin’
7. Blitzed
8. Burnt
9. Mellow
10. Chillin’
11. Toasted
12. Ripped
13. Roasted
14. Blasted
15. Fucked up
16. Gone
17. Lit
18. Feeling good
19. Buzzed
20. Crispy
21. Faced
22. Bonged
23. Wacky
24. Spliffed
25. Smoked
26. Blunted
27. Bonked
28. Fried
29. Retarded
30. Faded
31. Stupid
32. Grassed
33. Smashed
34. Doped
35. Happy
36. Cheesin’
37. Soaring
38. Bombed
39. Twisted
40. Stewed
41. Loaded
42. Churned
43. Blown
44. Piped
45. Chopped
46. Tweaked
47. Torched
48. Warped
49. Silly
50. Chalked
51. Wrecked
52. Drugged
53. Spacey
54. Smacked
55. Chipped
56. Whipped
57. Cheeky
58. Steamed
59. Hashed
60. Bhanged
61. Floored

'Dude, I'm so high right now.'
'Yeah bro, that sensi was dank. I'm ripped.'

by iSmoke24 September 27, 2009

19πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


When you first forget that you are high. Then remember that you are high. Question if you really are high. Then you realize that you are talking to yourself and that you are high.

*giggle* I am so fucking highhhhh...i think.

by theflink January 17, 2010

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


feeling good and totally oblivious

Being high is tough to explain without being high yourself but I will do my best. Getting high isnt always painless, giant bong rips or big hits of any kind can and will hurt your lungs for a little bit but its okay because your high. You feel lightheaded and and wispy at first. Then you laugh at everything that happens next. If someone told you your whole family was murdered you would laught at it and ask for another joke. You lose some motor skill. Driving is a little impaired but for the experienced stoner its not a problem. Depending on the amount of bud smoked and the quality of the herb your high should last 1-4 hours. Quit reading this and get toking

by Vash Riarios November 15, 2005

143πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž


after smoking some bud, this feeling washes upon you like a warm wave. The first noticable sign you get is when everything takes on a hazy effect. Its like, a weight being lifted off your shoulders. Then you get the giggles. Everything seems to be funny. And if you can't control yourself, its difficult to stop. Its hard not to smile. You difinatly don't want to be around anyone who isnt high, because they just won't get it.
Being high is a very hard feeling to describe.
You get really hungry. Please, try not to eat everything. You'll regret it in the morning.
try it =
The best way to know the feeling of being high is to experience it for yourself.
So stop reading this...and go burn.

I was gonna go to class, but i got high.
I coulda cheated, and i coulda passed, but i got high

by Adrianne Daaaaaavis May 9, 2006

825πŸ‘ 479πŸ‘Ž