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Parkway Montessori Middle School

this school is booty. the kids are wack and the teachers are rude. you are either a good or ghetto kid. although the school is wack UTS HELLA FUN!

Parkway Montessori Middle School is so not cool

by JUSTAFUCKINGPERSON November 9, 2019

why do we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway

Because thats just the way it is in bass ackwards america!

Why do we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway?

Let's go for a drive down the parkway and we can park in the neighbors driveway.

by tara sweet February 19, 2010

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Parkway Central

Parkway Central is home to the weirdest, most socially autistic, and genuinely retarded kids in Missouri. Some may claim that Parkway Central is a racist environment, however, the black kids are loud as fuck and complain too much.

Dumbass 1: Yo I hear someone wrote the n-word on the bathroom wall at Parkway Central! That place is super racist dude!
Dumbass 2: A black kid wrote it on the wall you retard.

by TanneriteCarBomb November 22, 2022

parkway princess

Jersey girl who lives in North Jersey but who’s family has a house at the Jersey shore. Spends every weekend driving back and forth on the Garden State Parkway.

Shore native:”Dude, does your cousin live down here?”

Naw man, she’s a parkway princess.”

by Partsdriver July 19, 2022

Poole Town vs Plymouth Parkway

known now as the crap pitch derby, these teams have the worst pitches in the southern league and they should be kicked from the league itself. parkway are on the tongue of relegation but poole are in the mid table area.

poole town vs plymouth parkway is a crap pitch derby

by big fat tubby March 3, 2024

pistol parkway

A place in the Bronx called Pelham parkway was given the name by the Albanians whiggers

Yo I just hit a lick on pistol parkway

by Kastravec October 9, 2022

ShadowMan of New Jersey Parkway Wooded areas

He’s a shadow man who haunts the surrounding areas of Holly Parkway and Laurel Lane in Williamstown, New Jersey he is described too have no facial features but he does wear a slenderman type suit and he likes too hide behind trees and spook visitors with footsteps and growls. He is considered a demonic entity. He typically hides from aware children but is somewhat open too ghost hunters.

That’s ShadowMan of New Jersey Parkway Wooded areas

The who?

The ShadowMan of New Jersey Parkway Wooded areas he haunts the area

by I play Skyrim September 8, 2023

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