Source Code

Penn West

Penn West Is A Notoriously Gang Infested Neighborhood In Southern California.
Known For Its One Way In No Way Out Entrance. Penn West Is One Of The Highly Feared Gangs In the Coachella Valley.
Penn West Is The Coachella Valleys Number One Problem And Will Continue 2 Be.The Neighborhood Is Known 4 The Most Unsolved
Murders In A Certain Area Thru Out The Entire Coachella Valley. When Police Would
Question The Familys Who Lived In That Area About Any Crimes No One Had Anything To Say.The Gangs Motto is "No Warning Shots"

Varrio Penn West 13

by Desert Sun July 11, 2008

146๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

Penn Chan

This phrase is code for marajuana. Teenagers in japan have named it after a kid from an ancient japanese folk-tale. Penn Chan would act as though he was high all the time. The kids saw it to be a fitting code name so the phrase is now commonly used in asia and has recently spread to the states.

Dude that Penn Chan was grade A.

by Juan Gonzales September 20, 2005

254๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

Penn Yan

A small-ass hickville in the middle of the finger lakes region of new york. In Penn Yan, if you are young, there is NOTHING to do. And if anyone from Penn Yan sees this, you'll agree. NOTHING TO DO.

Person 1)Where do you live???
Person 2)Hick-ville.
Person 1)You mean Penn Yan?

by pritchard April 4, 2005

100๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

Penn Bear

A big hugable bear from Pensylvania. Has a heart as big as a bear

Stevo: Maaaaan, I wanna hug that thang so baadd
Jamo: Who, Penn Bear?
Stevo: Yeahh, daawg, he be the huggin bomb

by Bear Love March 30, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

east penn

Gay ass school with shitty wifi

East penn sucks at sports

by JOGGERSQUAD February 24, 2015

55๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sean Penn

Grumpy Actor, who is the former husband of Madonna.

A. Dude, Sean Penn is obviously still in love with Madonna...
B. Totally!

by Dale Walford March 26, 2007

149๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž

East Penn

This is a school full of a diversity of people and that would be great and all, ya know if they got along. Most the girls are slutty whores and the guys are complete douches. Some kids even get caught fucking in the tech hall and under stairs. The school is prolly full of mold and will kill everyone in it one day. The teachers think there is no bullying going down even though it is everywhere. AND also memes that are accurate can get people detention. If you survive you will watch many people do drugs, have pregnancy scares (even 7th graders, middle schoolers OD, False rape accusations, people who go behind your back and plenty more. The people here will never really get anywhere in life, and no teachers are coming to this district. The kids aren't even on the right grade level in skill. SO to shorten it this is a fucked up school filled to the brim of nobodies.

"You going to hell?"
"nah man. already there"

"dude, im in east penn"

by NobodyWolfartist August 21, 2019