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Performing monkey

Someone that would do anything to keep the guy/girl they like happy. Also involves doing almost anything that they ask without thinking and putting their needs before their own.

Steve asked me to work out his overtime for the past 6 months while I was flat out at work

Wow and you did it? Are you his performing monkey or something?!

by Pizzacat0987654321 June 5, 2014

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Faulks Performance

A nutter'ish but none the less highly skilled person who builds very fast Saabs

You need some Faulks Performance on that

Thats been Faulks'ed

by In Awe July 24, 2004

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Performance Anxiety

the feeling of panic, utter helplessness, and ineptitude, when someone is looking over your shoulder and you are trying to show them something on your computer

Mary had complete performance anxiety trying to navigate to the correct folder to show Jim the correct spreadsheet.

by Happy Girly of course! February 23, 2010

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performance guy

A avid cyclist who rodes a carbon bike, shaves is leg, wears a nice bike team kit, takes electrolytes, and hates everything else related to bike that does not match his profile. Expression popularized by cyclist/youtuber Robin Moore with his song "Performance".

Julia: I thought about you today, I saw a performance guy on Route 1.
Al: Cool! What kit was he wearing?
Julia: Not sure but he was freaking fast on a sparkling 2010 Trek Madone.

by RealFast March 14, 2010

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proven performer

A woman who, by virtue of having a baby with her, or is undeniably pregnant, has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is not a virgin. She has put out. At least once.

James: How bout that girl over there?

Greg: Naw, man, she's pushing a stroller.

James: C'mon! That just means she's a proven performer!

by Bructus January 21, 2011

Performative racism

When you pretend to be racist or conservative for attention or social gain.

Hot southern chick: Man them dang darned blacks be stealing and killing us whites

Ron:Uh yeah blacks they are mean, my buddy Chris got his confederate flag savagely yanked out of his hand by an African American Blm protester while playing fuck da police and slapping a disabled white veteran with his other hand.

Hot southern chick: omg your so brave *hugs him* and gives her number to him.

Ron: I don’t even care about black people but ya totally worth it!Performative Racism is neat try it sometime!

by Cockblastof09 April 12, 2022

performance pay

A form of pay used by some greedy employers to fuck it's hard working employees out of their pay while still showing record growth for the share holders and allowing the co to recive massive pay raises

Indra .I'm gonna fuck these employees or you could just give them performance pay boss lady. It's much better

by cheesy one September 20, 2016