Source Code


Refers to a confirmation of a previously-granted go-ahead dat you either periodically request from da same person who had already said dat a desired-by-you action was okay sometime in da past but you are concerned dat his circumstances might have changed in da meantime and so you'd better query him again to make sure dat he's still okay wif it, or ask for from da new owners/managers of whatever objects/property dat you'd previously been allowed to access by whoever was runnin' da show before it changed hands; for all you know, this present authority-figure's policies/conditions might be different from da previous owner's, and so it might NOT be okay wif HIM for you to continue doing whatever you'd been permitted in da past.

I occasionally cause unintentional irritation/impatience wif home/business-owners when requesting re-permission for some favor/allowance dat had always given to me in da past (they might exasperatedly snort, "We already said last year that you may do that, Dude --- why do you need to ask us again?" or, "Well, of COURSE it's okay with us, Buddy --- we've always had total respect for So-And-So's judgement, and so if HE said that you are a safe/honest/responsible person, then naturally we would trust his word and allow you the same privilege ourselves!"), but I figger dat I would likely get into a lot MORE dutch if I DIDN'T ask again on some unfortunate occasion when I SHOULD have "just checked to make sure", and so I would rather take da much-lesser risk of merely annoying someone wif my question, rather than potentially making him super-upset wif me if I naively did something dat he was not --- or no longer --- okay wif.

by QuacksO June 15, 2024

You do not have permission to catch this bus, for the following reason:

The default MediaTransport message when you do not have permission to catch this bus.

You do not have permission to catch this bus, for the following reason: This bus is currently semi-protected so that only autoconfirmed users can catch it.

by OfficeMS September 24, 2024


A quality to give permission someone having wrong with

The permissive clerk admitted the student without photo and transfer certificate.

by Qs Academy February 4, 2018


Until people wake up and realize that they have as much authority as the authorities and start fighting, they're going to have to keep asking permission to go anywhere or do anything. These authorities that have done nothing for them, including raise them, will keep to get to keep ordering them around like little kids, thinking that they are just here to play games.

As long as you have to ask permission to do something, you don't live in a free country or have any real rights. The Indians know how free their land is.

by The Original Agahnim December 27, 2022


Oh, you're waiting for my permission to shit now? I didn't realize I was and authority now.

Hym "You mf aren't waiting for my permission to do anything so why even ask?"

by Hym Iam June 26, 2023


Yup. Full permission honey-bunny. You can do whatever you want.

Hym "Yup. Full permissions. Why? What are you going to do to me?"

by Hym Iam August 16, 2023


Should I be asking for that!? WOW! Here I am, having a schizophrenia diagnosis manufactured by the people around me and alluding to the fact that child and/or retard murder might be an appropriate response... And I didn't even THINK to ask a panhandler to take a picture of his sign! Wow! That is embarrassing! My bad guys! You must think I'm the rudest person on the planet! Gosh, that's... That's my bad...

Hym "Permission? Like, the fruit?"

Iam "That's a PERSIMMON."

Hym "Oh... You mean when you feel bad about something?"

Iam "No, that's CONTRITION."

Hym "Oooooh... So like, your attitude about something?"

Iam "No, that's your DISPOSITION."

Hym "Oook. Ok. I get it now... You're making up words!"

Iam "What?"

Hym "You're making shit up to try and make me look stupid!"

Iam "What!? No! It's like-"

Hym "Fuck you buddy!"

Iam *sigh* "Nevermind..."

by Hym Iam May 7, 2024