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someone that drives a once white transit van

get in the pikey van and i'll give you a lift

by :o) April 25, 2003

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pikey do what they want when they want, u mess with em ur whole house gon be gone

some dordy pikey nick me caravan again gon bust dis kid you wait!

by mushyboy December 20, 2020

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Derived from the name Pike. The Pikes and the Penfolds were the names of two big families of Travellers in the Kent area.

by Engelsepiet October 24, 2003

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A slang term for U.K. travelers that has found its way to the Southern U.S. Sometimes called "Irish Travelers" decendents of tinkers let out of prisons to come to America. Known to be great scam and law suit artists. Exposed in 1999 20/20 episode, and frequently appear on the "Jerry Springer show"
1. A person who solicits remolding or some unlicensed or unbonded under the table pay construction work demanding money up front, works half the job and recieves final pay and then never returns.
2. A face fighter, this is the guy that gets in your face while your about to square off with his pal. This guy can be clipped at close range, take him out the minute he opens his beer hole.
3.Crooked toothed Ozark girls. Must have at least 12 teeth to qualify. Teeth are ruined and knarly due to inbreeding and close relations of families from Scotch Irish/ Black Irish/ Mulungin descent,not from meth abuse, or lack of tooth brush.

Common Surnames: Allen,Bradford,Brannon,Cates,Cardin,Dennis,Gentry,Hogan,Holland,Jackson,Masterson,Morris,Morrison,Murphy,Mc-"anything".
Common trades:
Carnies (Carnival workers)Carpenters, Painters,Pressure washers,Shade Tree machanic,Tire changers,Landscapers,Garden Tillers, etc.

"...You know what you get when you have 10 girls from Clinton in one room?...A full set of teeth..."
"...Man did you see that pikey toothed bitch working the carnival last night?

by Dixie Irish February 5, 2009

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(1) A slang term for a Gypsy/Townie/Wanderer. Usually used in a derogatory way.
See; Gypsy and Bum

(2)A Rare and Reclusive Creature is Pikey.
This Β½ Mexican, Β½ Caucasian male's brain is nearly completely destroyed after years of heavy drinking, and drug abuse.
Also goes by the names of Mike, Michael, and That Guy.
Identifiable Traits;
-Talks from the side of his mouth
-Almost always wears completely or nearly completely black clothing
-wears a (black of course) fitted baseball cap

Hey, Look... It's That guy.
You mean Mike?
Nahh man, That's Pikey.

by Lil' Joe December 30, 2005

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A derrogatory term for an irish gypsie, commonly referred to as an "Irish Traveler." Also, interchangeable with the term fucker.

"Yeah, I got family back in Ireland...they're a bunch of pikeys."

"Kiss off, pikey!"

by SnottyIrishman August 2, 2005

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Acronym: People Impersonating Kind Energetic Youths

The Government has been aware for some time now that there are a growing number of young travelling folk that have been committing crimes at random. These crimes are often aimed at the hard working people of the country and usually involve theft or fraud. Usually the perpetrator seems to be a nice, keen young person who seems totally trustworthy at first. However, the Government is also aware that they are a minority amongst their people and is reluctant to encourage any form of racism against the communities of the travelling folk.

With this sensitive issue in mind, it has been decided that the people need to be warned against this particular element within the travelling society without offending the community at large and not allowing any stigmatism to the travelling folk. So Police forces across the land have been told to look out for PIKEY’s and arrest them if they are in any doubt about their intentions. Public information films and poster campaigns will be launched to advise people how to recognise a PIKEY and what to do if they suspect there are any PIKEY’s in their area. There is even speculation that new laws will be made to enable property owners to protect their property β€œhow they feel fit” if they catch PIKEY’s on their land.

Farmer: "I got some of them nice travelling folk in one of my fields last year"
Other Farmer: "There wasn't any of them PIKEY's amongst em' was there"?
Farmer: "I didn't think so at first, they all seemed to be nice C.U.N.T.'s or TWATS. But one night I caught two of the young lads from them nicking stuff from my barn".
Other Farmer: "what did you do"?
Farmer: "Oh, I just shot the fuckers. It's legal now. The Police were ok with it and the travelling folk were glad to have them out of there group too. 'Gives us a bad name' they said"!

by jdajuk October 15, 2012

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