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A woman who pisses on your chest immediately after fucking her brains out. It has not yet been determined the exact nature behind this phenomena but one must assume it is simply an act of territorial procedure. The pissing can also be accompanied by some silent farting which in most cases is just plain fucking disgusting.

Steve: Hey man the funniest thing happened. I was just finishing up plowing your mom for a good 17 minutes when the crazy bitch got up, crouched over top of me, and starting pissing.

Jim: Aw sick dude... my mom's a pisser!?!?

by SKYYGUYY April 9, 2009

45๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


1-For something to be bad, annoying, or to piss you off.
2-A urinal or toilet.
3-Someone who really dampens your mood.

1-Jack: I got an F on my maths test =(
Vic: Well that's a pisser.
2-Jack: Hold on, I need to go to the pisser.
3-Vic: Well she's a little pisser.

by Spazzie McGee March 21, 2008

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English slang for bathroom. It is the pathetic attempt of English people to be gangster like the cool Americans.

Excuse me sir, could you please direct me to the pisser?

by viggom555 December 5, 2008

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The act of urinating whilst spinning ones genitals in a clockwise fashion.

Matthew was pissering all over Lady Bishops finest china and silverware whilst he shouted at the servants.

by You spelt that rong February 18, 2018

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Slang for a penis

Hold on, I have to drain my pisser before we leave!

by Mercutiothephantom December 16, 2017

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Tiny flaps around the hole a woman pisses from

"dave just shagged that tasty bird you were after"."Are you pulling my pissers"

by DR RYAN May 18, 2008

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A type of insturment used to smoke marajuana or hashish.

Guy 1: "This pisser hits PHAT yo!"
Guy 2: "Thanks hommes!"

by Mi||eR June 17, 2004

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