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any boy with the name callum wallis

you absolute pleb

by okden April 12, 2020


Your casual friend bogdan

- Dude he is like Bogdan , basically a pleb.

by grasu December 11, 2021


when someone is super bad at something and they can never get better at it

"Hey Joe your a pleb"

by Mr_Jeff December 27, 2021


A typically boring, plain person.

-pleb dance right here right now-

yo mad hav such a pleb all he do is play fortnite and spam "///" on hangouts

by AwesomeFluffyUnicorns101:) May 30, 2019



Anya's a fucking pleb for thinking a burger isn't a type of sandwich

by chickendippa June 5, 2017


1.A word to describe someone stupid
2. A word do describe someone clumsy

"Johnny broke his phone last night"
"Johnny is such a pleb"

by Pleb lover March 26, 2017

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Usually someone who is not subscribed to a channel or people that arenโ€™t beneficial to a channel

Losfatfuckpollos: Iโ€™m tired of the plebs. Put it in sub mode only

by fatjoeyyessssss August 28, 2018

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