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Pompous Buffoon

Anyone who commonly uses the phrase "pompous buffoon" as an insult instead of something more clever, like r-tard.

"Did you see Keith Olberman last night? He called 7 different people a pompous buffoon."

"What a pompous buffoon."

by sparty44 February 5, 2010

12👍 30👎

Mike Pompous Asshole

An already widely popular nickname for the Trumpster’s third Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo.

Well that’s a big surprise, Mike Pompous Asshole is a proud member of the Impeachment Posse for the role he’s played in the recent intercontinental extortion attempt!

by Dr Bunnygirl September 30, 2019

Ignorant Pompous Powdered Ass (IPPA)

An individual consumed by their irrational belief that they are better than others based on a large quantity of money they in a hard way. They typically reek of arrogance and have no concept of harsh times. Usually sheltered from opposing viewpoints, that threaten their fragile understanding of how the real-world works, they are impressively narrow minded. IPPA's are typically well educated and mostly come from well-to-do families. They believe deep down they are truly a good person although others may see them as full of themselves and judgmental. Although many do not see, behind this fancy curtain of success lies a frail, insecure and unworthy identity desperately trying to fill the empty void in their lives. BEHOLD! THE MIGHTY IPPA!

Bro 1: "Dude that Ignorant Pompous Powdered Ass (IPPA) just tried to act better than me, but I saw right through him and shut him down."
Bro 2: "Gnarly bro! Ista karma on that powdered ass!"
Bro 1 & Bro 2: "DUUUDE!"

by Leprechaun_Handler_927 February 24, 2023


How pompous a person is.

His pompousity levels are through the roof, its pompousterous!

by Scott Price September 18, 2005

6👍 2👎


1) adj. when an object is hung up, set down, or arranged in an unorganized, unbalanced, or improper fashion 2) adj. when an object is placed somewhere in an awkward or botherly position

"That poster is hung all catty-pompoused."

"This desk is catty-pompoused and needs to be moved."

by OAwords1 February 14, 2012

boffo pompous

Successfully astute

His book defined the look and feel of the west wing power, his language, resonant and imposing and, often boffo pompous, had set the tone.

by Luke savage March 16, 2018

Pompous Walk

When an individual walks as if a stick is so far up their ass it's tickling their throat.

The new neighbor has a real pompous walk. Did you see the way he stepped over the garbage can that blew over?

by AJS1234 February 23, 2021