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poofie flower

The fluffy, white flower you're supposed to make a wish on and blow it away.

I saw the biggest poofie flower and made a wish.

by Thid April 28, 2017

poofy poof

A large poof of hair on top of someones head.

Yo Fergie has the biggest poofy poof ever.
Did you see that girls poofy poof, its higher then the ceiling.

by Poof expert October 22, 2007

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Poofy NoNo Suprise

A hot asian woman with a huge distasteful bush.

a poofy nono suprise - not somthing you get in a cracker jack box....

poofy nono suprise - the real reason chinese restaraunts get shutdown

poofy nono suprise - why godzilla is so angry

by TERDNUGENT December 15, 2011

poofy squishy time

semi-cuddling with a friend that you secretly have feelings for, and dont want to chance ruining your friendship with...

hey i have seen you in a couple days, i need some poofy squishy time!

by some dude.... October 15, 2011

poofy beef flume

A vagina that has entertained an extensive pounding. See meat locker

James: "I crammed the shit out of her until her moose knuckle transformed into a poofy beef flume."

by Morgan O'Malley November 20, 2007

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poofy kins


Ariciaa, you are such a poofy kins.

by xydreen July 7, 2022


An informal word to describe something very messy.

"Her hair looks so poofy"
"I love that poofy cushion"

by LexiBanana September 5, 2020