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A small angry sausage that comes out when you run around the feild 10 times. It's very angry and mean

I lost my poi.

by Yes boi.. May 19, 2017

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

yoo poi

a yoo poi is a beautiful human that you love and cherish

you are my lil yoo poi

by sana12 July 9, 2020

fire poi

fire poi is a most excellent past time involving spinning fire chains around you, the idea is that you dont hit yourself or anyone else and look good doing it, theres tonnes of em, youve seen em at festivals and virtually any hippy gathering, they love it, pretty much everyone else does too coz its just beautiful...

Man, that fire poi rocks! look at the cooool fire trails! People should do more poi... :)

by mr.spin December 22, 2005

33πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Nong Poy

A Beautiful Thai Ladyboy who won Miss Tiffany Universe in 2004. She had SRS when she was 17 and was 19 when she won the pageant.

Nong Poy, turning straight guys gay since 1983.

by tehpwnzerer November 27, 2008

38πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

poi pounder

Person of Hawaiian descent.

He's a "poi pounder" from Kaneohe. (Can also be used as a dis when used as a directive: "He called me a haole, so I told him to 'pound poi'...")

by Chaeron August 15, 2007

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Poi boi

A boi who wears fun fierce fashionable fish hat (rarely seen without it)

β€œWho is that kid with the fun fierce fashionable fish hat?”

β€œI don’t know, he’s a such a Poi Boi, I love it!”

by Poopiopoooo August 26, 2021

poi dickland

it means carrots that look like dicks

colton kept putting his poi dickland in the video camera

by periodwithtrans January 19, 2023