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ostentatious, big-headed, full of hot air.

Filip Osmulski is so pretentious that the air becomes thin with his ego when he is around.

by ButterflyCode March 11, 2006

90πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž


Those fucking annoying people that act like their good at everything even though they dont know shit. They normally cant be proven wrong as they know everything, will try to order people about and walk all over you and act all high and mighty all the time.

They put on a show in public places and talk really loud in hope that it will draw attention to them and make people notice how "great" they are.

For guys they normally act "Big Man"
Girls tend to act liek they are super intelligent.

"Whys that prick bragging so loud i bet its not even true, their so pretentious it pisses me off!"

"how fun would it be to hang that pretentious dick up by the foot and use him as a pinata".

by FuckTheMasses May 22, 2011

30πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


The potential to be pretentious.

Miley Cyrus is oozing with pretential; one more unnecessary feud or diva moment and she will have broken the barrier into pretention.

by jk5k May 25, 2009

8πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A word that douchebags use all the time in an attempt to sound intelligent. Usually the subject that the douchebag is using the word, "pretentious" against will have you asking yourself if they even know what the word means.

Douchebag: "I think that, "(Insert a name of a good show here)" is pretentious and overrated!"
Normal Person: "I really just think that the writers are just trying to entertain an audience, why exactly is it pretentious?
Douchebag: "(Couldn't Answer)"

by Dick Of Dastardly Deeds November 18, 2013

11πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


An attempt to make ones self look smarter than they actually are.

Ex: when you say something incorrectly but everyone knows what you’re trying to say and your boyfriend corrects you in front of them. He’s being pretentious.

by Essdog January 11, 2019


A guy who got into a fight with a bear and told you about it.

Pretentious guy- That wasn't really venison we had for dinner. That was the bear I beat to death with my bare hands and skinned alive so that my family and guest could eat well.
Unsuspecting guest-And look at you, you still have a head, that's awesome!
Pretentious guy-Yea well I'm not one to brag or show off, I prefer to let my guns do the talking. These guns on my shoulders took the bears life, now his bear mommy misses him.

by Solid Mantis June 19, 2018


1. Anyone that uses a Mac, or is a slave to the iMovement.

Pretentious iSlave: OMG!!...the Mac Air is so sleek and small and portable!!

Normal Person: So are all the 10 different netbooks that are available and blow the Mac Air out of the water...

by InfinitiGEEdub November 11, 2009

35πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž