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utterly awesome, the zenith of existance

Shaan: This buffalo burger is most psuedo-mondo.
AD: cosign.

by AD February 24, 2005

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psuedo p

A dirty, bum-like man. Claims to be a college student, actually there to perve on young boys. Has a penchant for the handle bar moustache.

"Look, it's Psuedo P! He hasn't washed his hair yet...oh look, I see he's macking on young Fluffy yet again."

by memememehellothere May 4, 2006

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Alternate spelling of psuedo-leet.

Guy #1: Haha, 1 c4n typ3 in psuedo-1337!

Guy #2: You are gay.

by Full~Metal~Jack-off October 4, 2006

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Someone who thinks they are better than everyone because they shop walmart, drink starbucks, shop the mall and dress american eagle and go to church. They think they are individuals because they condemn those that look a little different or hipster. They are just as judgemental and rude as those they hate. all the young kids think they're better than their peers. They watch stupid summer block busters and condemn those that like things different. their weird tweaks and hidden inconfidence is clearly seen. they listen to pop rock radio hits and expects everyone to be like them. anything too different is just trying too hard. psuedo-conformist are just as pretentious and passive aggressive as their counter part. they love to rant

I like to judge people because i'm a psuedo-conformist. i shop walmart and watch action movies, i hate pseudo intellectuals because i'm young and i love to argue till my throat and ears bleed.especially when it's from the safety of my computer. i hate all my peers who are different or the same. theres always a way to argue my points even if no one listens. everyone tries too hard except me. i'm real

by eazy-x February 19, 2008

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flirting intimately, but going on about as if were a joke, then using that to cover up the fact it's actually NOT a joke

do you think derek and jason are all over each other?

yeahhh, but its pseudo-psuedo-sexual

by jasonxcore October 20, 2008

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psuedo step mom

A woman who is smart enough not to get married again, but still takes her partners children under her wing and treats them like her own, giving support both financially and emotionally. She cooks dinners, does laundry, cleans and even car pools. She typically gets no respect from the children until they are adults, but because of her love for her partner, she sees the importance of stepping up, even though she is not a step mom.

"Is that woman who does so much for you your step mom?"
"No, she's not married to my dad. She is my psuedo step mom."

by Woman of the year March 3, 2014

Psuedo Rape

1. Psuedo Rape is a lot like normal rape because it involves unwanted intercourse, but the rapist has such a small penis that the victim can barely feel the penetration.

I was totally attacked last night, but it was only psuedo rape. I'm still not even sure if his small penis made it in!

by Misssssssssy January 8, 2011

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