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Procrastination purchase

A procrastination purchase, is a an unnecessary purchase of an item for the sole purpose of deviating from a set task or assignment.

Procrastination purchases generally involve online shopping.

I'll take a quick break from my assignment because I really need a new pair of jeans.

*Two hours and 150 dollars later*

Well that was a procrastination purchase, I should really do this essay, it's due tomorrow...

by RainbowSquiggy April 29, 2012

Collective purchasing

This is a group made up of like-minded people, who gang together to get economy of scale discounts for buying in bulk for specific goods, which they plan to purchase.

I can save money when collective purchasing

by allroundniceguy October 2, 2017

Purchase college

a chemical reaction that occurs when thousands of misfit hipster types descend upon a shitty post industrial pseudo campus, finding other oddlings such as themselves, do truly exist, and proceed to become extremely intoxicated, whilst listening to their uncle and his drinking buddies play shitty music in the the student center.

however there are a minority of oddlings immune to this ghastly reaction, who just happen to be some of the most amazing people you'll ever meet.

hey guys let's go to the co-op and get some of that piss they call coffee

yea! and then we can make some earplugs out of paper mache to bring to the show tonight.


purchase college: see also, cliche, poser, bad taste, bubble of smug

by girlonstilts June 16, 2009

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in app purchase

Bullshit that mobile game makers make you do to get stuff in their games, or even play it more without waiting 24 hours.

I spent too much money on in app purchases and now I'm broke.

by Flii May 14, 2017

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Louisiana Purchase

The large and attractive posterior of an attractive, yet easy individual, who has sexual intentions.

"Damn, check out Luaren's Louisiana Purchase! You just know it's big, it's cheap, and she wants you to take advantage of it."

by thecaptdavis April 5, 2015

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The louisiana purchase

Where you pay a hooker one dollar and get all the services for just a buck.

I went to vegas and and paid for the louisiana purchase a sweet deal indeed.

by Hopkins and Cruz December 30, 2010

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Gadsden Purchase

Gadsden Purchase
A deviant sexual act, in the tradition of the donkey punch and the Cleveland steamer, named after the purchase of a portion of what is now Arizona from Mexico in 1853.
The sexual act proceeds thusly:
1. Go to Tijuana, or some such lawless Mexican border town with plenty of brothels and prostitution.
2. Find a Mexican prostitute, and promise her lots of money for standard doggy-style sex.
3. Just as you 'finish,' roll up the money you owe her and stick it in her cornhole.
4. Congratulate yourself on symbolically continuing the American tradition of unabashedly fucking over the rest of the world.

- I was bored one night, so I drove across the border to El Paso and gave a hooker named Rosalita the old "Gadsden Purchase."

- I stuck the money in her butt, but she's Brazilian, so it's not a genuine "Gadsden Purchase."

by JackSpade November 29, 2005

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