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Put down the knife

To go vegetarian or more specifically, vegan. Referring to the 2011 documentary 'Forks over knives' in which researchers explore the possibility that people changing their diets from animal-based to plant-based can help eliminate or control diseases like cancer and diabetes.

Girl 1: You are looking so good lately, what's your secret?

Girl 2: I put down the knife.

by my mAin Hack September 28, 2016

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Put Down the Kelp

Means stop sucking dick. In spongebob, theres an episode where the krusty krab sells Kelp drinks and it shows spongebob slurping on the straw, so it means stop slurping on dick.

Matthew: "Oh my god Nathan, you have the best handles and the best shot in basketball and youre really good."
Nathan: "Thanks?"
Nick: "Put down the kelp matthew, jheeez"

by fumastyle November 5, 2017

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up with the put-down

To be "up with the put-down" is to be in the know-how; to have the latest information/gossip or to fully understand a situation.

Character 1: "What? I doooon't get iiiittt...?!?!"
Character 2: "OMFG, grrrrlllll, get up with the fxing put-down. here's how it's done..."


Street Cop Strolling By: "Wow, great job staying up with the put-down, kids. Keep it up!"

by Nick Hoover June 3, 2008

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putting the play down

having sex or engaging in any kind of sexual activity. Usually with a person people believe it won’t happen with.

β€œI’m putting the play down on her tomorrow.”

by definitelynotj3 May 26, 2022

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put one's foot down

Take a firm stand. This idiom alludes to setting down one's foot firmly, representing a firm position. Late 1800s

put one's foot down
She put her foot down and said we could not go to the carnival

by Yousra Shahy November 10, 2008

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Put your purse down

a saying used to tell a man to put down his womenliness and let his testosterone conquer the large amount of estrogen that he has. in other words, man up and stop being such a wimp.

Thomas: dude, im so scared that shes gonna reject me.

Michael: gosh thomas, put your purse down and go freakin ask her out.

Life would be ten times better if everyone would just put their purses down.

I feel like such a man since i put my purse down.

by band_nerd_15 February 1, 2011

Put Your Cup Down

Calm down; Chill out

Suzie you need to "put your cup down" because you are starting to ask too many questions.

by Snoop Doggy Dom June 9, 2017