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Origami Quarterback

A quarterback held in high accord who always seems to fold during critical plays and games.

Tony Romo will never get the Cowboys to a Superbowl. He's an origami quarterback; especially in the playoffs.

by Miss Murder Monroe September 16, 2011

Dirty Quarterback

While having doggystyle sex, the male inserts his thumb into the female's anus while the other four fingers are spread across the top of her ass cheeks resembling a quarterback in the snap position. A dirty sanchez can be performed afterward if the male desires

Dude, I gave Candice the Dirty Quarterback last night. It scared her at first but she liked it!

by DR61 November 28, 2007

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quarterback sneak

when you're hittin it from the rear and pull out and spit on her back, then tell her your done....when she turns around pop a fat one in her eye.

i was in a sticky situation, so i decided it would fit my gameplan best to go with a quarterback sneak. catch the defense of guard.

by mondingo November 14, 2005

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Smelly Quarterback

When you dip your finger in your partner's balloon knot, enabling you to draw eyeblack under their eyes, a la Joe Montana 1986.

The sun was blinding on a hot August afternoon, as the sweat ran down my brow. I noticed Suzie was having trouble getting a good look at the Hairy Mosquito I was presenting to her, so I proceeded to give her a smelly quarterback.

by S. Lou December 27, 2005

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good quarterback

Something the Texans don't and never will have.

Example 1:

Broncos Fan: "Let's Go Manning"
Pats Fan: "Brady's better"
Texans Fan: "Cries"

Example 2:
"Can you spell Good Quarterback"
Texans Fan: uhhhh uhhhhh G-O-O-O-O-D Q-A-R-T-E-R-B-A-C-K-S

by MrSlimShady21 October 20, 2014

Quarterback contact

The one person in the group who puts in the effort to organise shit, text people individually, and round up the troops.

Quarterback contacts can be found orchestrating elaborate plays on WhatsApp and iMessage groups to trick the whole squad into getting together.

Every group needs one.

William knows exactly who to say is coming to each person in the group to get them to show up. He’s the admin of 4 group chats and is always on his phone. He is his group’s Quarterback Contact.

by daltonjfk September 23, 2019

Classroom Quarterback

The douche handing off all their work to the guy next to them and passing the class from anothers work

Guy 1: The Classroom quarterback just gave me all his work, fuck!

Guy 2: sorry for your luck dude.

by MONARCH95 April 5, 2011