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Located in the farthest region of sanity, Reality is many a splendored place. The grass broken and brown and the air smells like chlorofluorocarbons heated to a temperature that is most unnatural. Sounds are often harsh, crashing through the inner membrane of every cell in your body. Everything here is sharp, jagged. Not many people enjoy it there, but often have not a choice.

But do not fear, there is an escape. Beveranges, ranging in potency from that of chocolate milk to vodka, can prevent contact with this most fatal of worlds. The best psychiatric developments, such as LSD, take the "tourist" as we call them, far, far out of the boundaries of Reality.
Possible side effects are death, brain damage, and more death.

"Dude, where are we? It's so hot here, and everything is prickly!"

-"I don't know what this place is, but I don't like it...I've heard on the news that it's called....Reality? How do we get somewhere else?"

"Have you heard about the new product? I can't remember what it's called...LMD....LF....LSD! That's it! Through this genious spaceship, we can go anywhere!"

(Together) "Hooray for science!"

by Tha T. Guy May 29, 2008

53πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

In reality

Something someone says they are trying to prove that is true.

Jeff: my wife is totally going to divorce me

fife: Well in reality you're fucked. Shes gonna take everything!!

by joe da baker October 19, 2011

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Something really boring and monotonous.

Me: When I have enough time to reflect on the average humans life I realize how boring experiencing reality is.

by Cockblastof09 April 12, 2022


The universal form of resistance. Whatever resists us is reality.

by Mike Epstein November 9, 2003

50πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


A real pain in the ass for all humans on this earth

Wow reality is tough

by Crazycat01 April 13, 2017


It can be whatever you want.

Minecraft is Reality

by Gary The Average Man April 25, 2019

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

The reality

The sadness reality is growing up and realizing that you can't have that happy ending in life you wished as little, end dying happily! You might ask then why did God maked a world that bad? No don't blame God, in EcalesiatΓ©s 7:29 "God maked perfect the men but they made it complicated"
Hope now you know how to value people for how they are and to value how life is ❀️

There is no use for it but the definition has happened a lot in this world but yeah... The reality :)

by TheIdiotwashere December 13, 2020

13πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž