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People who doesn't know opinions exist and promo the trend the "miNeCaRft gOoD fOrtNiTe bAd",. They want to get rid of Fortnite when its just a popular game.
Fun Fact: They are single and looking for girlfriends.

Reddit is known for its controversy and redditors who are saying minecraft is god when is not.

by DisToad November 30, 2020

9πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž



Redditors- redditors noise- AGHUUH

by You stupid. March 28, 2022

12πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


A Braindead neanderthal who is either a cuck 30% of the times or gay, 70% of the times and is active on a site called Reddit which is usually run by obese 30 year old trans neckbeards and is controlled by Pedo transitioned admins.

person 1: hey i am a redditor and a trans activist
person 2 (with a brain) : predator and trans activist are same thing

by f@ggotkiller October 18, 2023

29πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


An insane person who needs some grass.

Redditors are always toxic and crazy.

by bakfjeidfjhgjriedfjgnjrkerjfhg April 16, 2021

26πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


A neckbeard, weeb, or bronie who goes on Reddit and bullies kids into depression if they don't agree with an opinion.

John: "Hey Jake! Do you have Reddit?"
Jake: "Yes. I am quite a Redditor if I do say so myself."

by Sloshyy_ July 12, 2020

57πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž


Another term for a registered sex offender

β€œI heard joe became a Redditor, and ever since he’s been saying minecraft gOoD fOrTnItE bAd and kEaNu ReEvEs BiG cHuNgUs WhOlESoMe 100”
β€œBetter keep him away from my kids”

by A creepy Redditor July 23, 2020

150πŸ‘ 211πŸ‘Ž


1. A user of a website that lives in their mom's basement and does nothing but troll
2. A person who posts about cats
3. A loser who cares about politics

"I told my girlfriend I'm a Redditor."
"She dumped me on the spot."

by Ramen4608 November 24, 2020

89πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž