Romeo and Juliet is originally a novella written by Italian writer Luigi da Porto, who wrote this because he couldn't marry his cousin. It got revised by a monk named Matteo Bandello, then translated to Baguette Language by some French guy, then landed on Arthur Brooke. He then wrote it as a poem with some dark shit featuring Romeo banging his head against the wall, then named it Romeus and Juliet. And of course, Shakespeare read Brooke's work and based his tragedy on it, and we got the version of Romeo and Juliet that almost everyone hates.
• The Da Porto novella features a passionate and truly in love Romeo and Giulietta, while the Shakespeare Tragedy has a set of horny teens who thought lust and love are the same. (I kinda blame it for the tragedy's shoddy timeline and Shakespeare turning them into teens.)
• The Shakespeare Tragedy features Tybalt and Mercutio with personalities, while the Da Porto novella only have them as extras.
• The Shakespeare Tragedy had Romeo dying all alone. In the Da Porto novella, he had Romeo dying until Giulietta woke up. (Kinda like Romeo+Juliet.)
To summarize, Romeo e Giulietta by Da Porto was born out of a man's failed love, while Shakespeare's tragedy was born to torment stupid teens while giving tears to Shakespeare Simps.
If you encounter this and experience symptoms such as cringe, brain damage and boredom, find more adaptations or read the novella.
(If symptoms persist, consult the Hungarian Musical Rómeó és Júlia.)
Romeo and Juliet is not cringe. You just watched a bad adaptation of it.
An actually good and simple love story bastardized by an English playwright, featuring a fiery but gentle lady from the Capulets/Cappellettis, a stubborn but passionate lad from the Montagues/Montecchis, poison, secret marriage, dagger, death and sleeping with some old bones.
If only those damn teachers know Romeo and Juliet for what it actually is...
In gaming, it is said when you and an enemy kill each other at the same time
We did a Romeo and Juliet