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Fucking 'solid'? My Fucking Arse. Most of you daren't fight one-on-one, unless there's about 5 or 10, maybe more, scallies on your side. 'Moshers' as you call them.. listen to PROPER music, go out to PROPER places, and have a PROPER attitude towards life. You scallies dont. You listen to SHIT music, go to SHIT places and have a fucking SHIT attitude towards everyone apart from your fellow 'crew'. Get a grip people, and stop being scallies! By the way, i havent seen or heard of any 'moshers' turning into scallies.. perhaps your a bit WRONG!!!!!!

eya dickhead we'l straight knock u out cos ur a mosher (with 5 mates).

ere dont look at me i'll knock u out (whilst on their own.. walking away whilst saying it)

by Chris January 18, 2004

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The scally or "scallywag" has 2 different forms. There is the sound scally who has no problem with you or any one wotsoever. the other kind is a disgrace to humanity pickin on people whom a look weaker than them or b are in a smaller group than them. They all wear trackies i have no problem with this personaly as it is there choice as to what they wear but they should all either stop harrasing people and realise that other people have their own opinions or just like go shoot themselves as there seems to be no use for them in our society

"eeee m8 gotts spare bifta"
"ill spark you out m8"

by hmmmm October 15, 2004

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The most pointless and stupidly annoying beings on the planet. Tend to walk around in groups of 50 or so and hang around on street corners (like hookers), town centres or outside late shops.
They wear the most ridiculous clothing, usually consisting of: Rockports or expensive Nike trainers, white socks, black or white tracksuit bottoms tucked into the socks, a really really stupid looking striped jumper or hoody, and a cap placed at an angle that looks like its ready to launch some form of missile into space. The hood of the hoody is usually pulled up just behind the ears, so the bastards can hear, and over the back of the cap. They always (and i mean ALWAYS) walk around with the most dumbass look on their face which just shouts out "I'm a gormless cunt please beat the fucking shit out of me".

These scum (there is no nicer way of describing them) are cocky as fuck and like to try and start fights with moshers, old people, very small newborn babies and anything else they have no chance against. They also cannot stick up for themselves and that is the reason they hang around in large groups.

After many years of studying (and beating up) scallys i have come to realise that they have no intelegence at all, are as weak as a dead rat and are all so insecure about their penis size that they make up for it by buying lots of 'gold' jewelery.

If you come into contact with any less than 10 scallys, do not be afraid, all they will do is call you names. But if there is between 20 and 30 they might (if your extremely unlucky) threaten you with violence. They are much more likely to run away screaming like little girls and get their brother or dad on you. Who will also run away screaming like a little girl. The only ones who do not run away are the girls (ironically) and the ones who haven't yet developed the brain capacity to run. If there is an incredibly large amount of scallys (e.g. between 50 and 100) they will use violence. If encountered by use one of these 2 methods to get rid of them: 1; Laugh and do not retaliate; or 2; fight back with a tremendous amount of energy like neo on the matrix.

The Summary:

Scallys are human(ish) scum which should be eradicated from this earth. Do anything possible to help me in my efforts to rid the world of this growing plague and help make earth a better and safer place for us all to live in.

I HATE SCALLYS!!! (This sentence can be heard wherever you go)

by Scally hater 666 March 4, 2005

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Basically, a load of idiots who they are "well hard init" and a lot of them don't go to school cause they can't be arsed and think they are "2 kewl 4 skul m8" as they would rather spend their time robbing stuff and starting fights with random people, if you look at them then thats it, you're 'in for it' and they will react like this "errr wot u lukin at, u startin, u want a fuckin fight m8 yeh, fuckin dosser, fuckin tramp" basically every word that comes out of their mouth is a swear word. ALL scallys basically dress the same, its like their little uniform which looks retarded to people around them.
Guy scallys walk round is stripey sports jumpers or polo t-shirts with their collars up OR a 'hoody' cause it makes them look bad init, with sports trackies that are tucked into their socks which looks SO stupid and they think it looks good. They also wear the most ugly bulky sports trainers ever or rockport. Oh and lets not forget their 'bling bling' fake gold cheapo chains from argos or somewhere like that. A lot of the time they wear caps and if they don't then they usually have a skin head or hair with loads of greasy gel on it.
Girl scallys Usually wear sports jumpers (sometimes stripey to match their scally boyfriend's) and trackies, some girls even tuck their trackies into their socks aswell. They wear those same bulky trainers or rockport (which look even more stupid on the girls) and when they're not dressed like that they dress like prostitutes. Their hair is usually bleached blonde, tied up scraped to their head with LOADS of hairspray and hair mousse/gel. They wear a lot of make up so you can spot them by their orange foundation covered faces with loads of mascara which goes all clumpy and a ton of eyeliner, lipgloss and eye shadow (preferably a bright colour) Scally girls also wear the cheapo bling bling which usually consists of a massive 'doll/clown' chain or an initial chain which is as big as their head, and hooped earrings that they could fit round their head and a ton of rings on their fingers, usually a sovereign.
WARNING, if you are NOT a scally you will be considered a freak and stared at and shouted abuse at.
You can find scallys near shops and shopping centres with a fag in their hand, bottle of cheap cider or lambrini listening to the latest "bangin chooooooons" on their music phone which consists of DJ this and DJ that 'in the mix motha fucka' and talking about how their weekend was ''wicked m8 yeh i got into dis fight with dis propa mong yeh, was fuckin massiveeeee, then i went owt wit my otha m8s n got propa wasted n fucked outta my face, smokin weed all night yeh n gettin well bad pissed, cant rememba a fuckin fing m8, was minters"

"rite yeh i dint go skul 2day coz i is well hard init m8, u like my new trackies? fuckin well nice aint they. er yeh this mosher was starin at me yeh so i went ova there n knocked him out the dossy tramp! then i went n got fucked outa my face wastttttted" < basically what scally's say summed up for ya. =

by Random girl16 June 7, 2006

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Bunch of wankers.
Male Scally: age ranges from 9 to about 30,when theyve spent all the money they manage to scrub off the floor on weed, or possibly cheap solvents. Slap head, flat peaked baseball cap stuck to the back of the head.BLurbbery Scarf. Henri Lloyd, Lascoste, Fred Perry or some cheap sports make top, with shitty joggers tucked in to multi coloured socks with a pair of offensive (fake) nike shox. Lovely greasy skin, maybe acne, due to the endless days stood in, or outside of McDonalds, or because their single mothers cant afford running water for them to wash in their cardboard boxes.A hell of a lot of plastic gold jewelry, they all want to be black, listen 2 shite music R'n'B, Rap hip-hop etc. Get wasted every night because its so cool.
Female Scally: as with the male species age ranges from 9, but women dont grow out of scalliness until around 40.Laid by their 14th birthday, kids before their 15th. Similar dress to the male also, but occasionally skirts are worn with diamond patterened tights, mainly from a ยฃ1 shop. Crappy flat boots, pink suede probably. Short denim skirts riding up their fat saggy arses, with large white flabby bellys hanging over the top. Furry anoraks are popular. Hair must be scraped back in a high bunch, with 3 cans of hairspray to secure. A bottle of orange foundation, so their face resembles that of and umpa lumpa. Not to mention the36 plastic necklaces they have to wear, they have their ears peirced aroun 40 times per ear, with of course, plastic gold earrings that commonly touch their shoulders. Whoever came up with this idea was probably a gypsy and should be shot.
Both always smoking, as it is so cool.
Have no ability to speak standard english and use phrases like "ur mum" under immense confrontational pressure.only start a fight if they have 50 other scalls behind them.never actually end up hitting anyone, because when they get a quick retaliation such as "fuck off donkey dick" they end up shittind themsleves and coming out with ".......ur mum?"

Scallies are gay and all need to die die die die die.

by I hate scalls February 15, 2005

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Another name for a slut, whore, hoe, or tramp.
Usually said when gossiping about a girl.

Person one: That girl right there is a brainer!
Person two: EWW. What a scally!

by thiiszbiiotch April 25, 2008

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Scallies use words like 'nyeh' i think its a combination of both no and yeah, when they disagree with you they like to say 'nah mate' and they often like to call 'ya mam' as you walk by.
Male scallies are easily recognised by their tracksuit, pants tucked into socks? (don't ask me why) blue/white hoody or baseball cap all nike, reebox or addidas for real scallies and usually seen with a bike and gold sovereign rings hang around in groups of 5-7
Female scallies wear tight clothes and large earings, and don't forget the clown necklace.

I live in Salford a city close to manchester which has been voted scally central of the uk, by the way i don't like the no good, window smashing, mam calling, thieves i am a mosher and have to be careful going to and from school

by Scallys are Gay March 19, 2004

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