the most time wasting boring useless pointed wretched disgusting intimidating thing to eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr eeeeeeeeexist.
first you have to wake up at an extremely early time then they feed you prison food for breakfast. then they send you to hellish classes such as reading, english, algebra 1, etc. this takes up about 1/3 of your freaking day and about 30% of your life, including college.........
you would never want to go to school...
141👍 9👎
Even known as jail or prison. A place where your brains are turned to mush and your free will is ruined, while trying to convince you that you actually are free to do whatever you want after your classes (as long as you do your homework).
Welcome to school! You can run and you can hide, but we will find you and we will give you detention.
Where the impressionable youth are indoctrinated to prepare them for exploitation by the establishment.
The Man: Under the mores of the capitalist system you shall attend school. Through academic rewards and personal choice you will go forth and choose a suitable career, which you shall endure for a substantial amount of time. A vast majority of the money you earn shall be given to the ruling class via taxes and other undisclosed methods to keep us in power. In return we shall sustain your need for this career so we can exploit you in this fashion until such a time your ailing health makes this practise immoral and you become incapable of serving us. Once you retire you will no longer pose a threat to the system and our goal of keeping you blind to the injustice of our presence will have succeeded. Over the next few years you shall come to the realisation that despite the pleasures life has given you it is a hollow victory in the face of a reality where you could enjoy complete freedom. Although you now know the truth you shall no longer live to warn others of it- the cycle you became a part of shall endlessly repeat itself with the enforced participation of subsequent generations. There are no exceptions and no escape. Our existence is built on this agenda: to keep you devoid of every possible alternative to such an extent that you submit and resign yourself to our reality whether you agree to it or not. And that's the truth.
138👍 10👎
Welcome, I am the Government. We have a plan for your future, kid. Society will lap you like a wolf laps blood.
1. Curriculum: it is by the enforcement of curriculum that we can positively ensure your mental intake of information is kept in a rigid line. You will have no time to experience other things; even if you did you would feel guilty. “What a waist of space in my mind” You’d think.
2. Exams: It is by the continuous use of exams that we can ensure your self-esteem remains at an all-time low. Lower grades means lower respect. You will be called an idiot; you will have low chances in life. The alternative is to succumb to the weight of society, allow us to control your mind. It is easier this way. We promise.
3. Ritualistic mornings: This is the fun part! You now will have to awaken at early hours. Yes any chance of true restfulness is completely imposable. Do you ever walk into school and feel, for a split second, as though you are unconscious? That is how we want you to feel all the time. That is the point in early mornings.
4. Social humiliation: Yes, we didn’t plan this out. So don’t think we’ll take credit for it, yes this part is all thanks to you. It not only away chips away your self-esteem it also encourages hatred, which you will feel toward foreign nations later in life. We guarantee it.
5. Repetitiveness: It is by the continuous repetitiveness of your scholarly years that we can encourage a clockwork feeling within you.
6. Useless information: By presenting you with this information we can disallow independent thought. While you may begin to think for yourself your teacher, asking you to pay attention, will continually interrupt you. This is one of my favourites!
7. Obedience: Yes this is firmly set into the school world. Discipline, self-discipline, thought-discipline hell it’s all here! We take great pride in our ability to control you. Our shrill voices echoing down the corridor. Yes you needn’t ever feel safe, in or out of school. Be afraid, be very afraid.
8. Long term: This will last sometime; you probably won’t be able to remember a time you weren’t in school. No mode of comparison, excellent.
9. Holidays: We have carefully timed these so that they are long enough to maintain sanity but short enough to deter independent thought.
10. Work ethic: You cannot be a worker without work ethic.
We hope you enjoy your stay. Don’t try to escape, even if the gate is always open.
You are free to do as we tell you.
11532👍 1272👎
A place where you must deal with work, teachers, events and shithead students all at the same time. The amount of work you get depends on the teacher you have. This is the place where students are treated like 3 year olds, you can't point out your teacher's flaws, talk back, or anything like that, even if the teacher gets completely owned. They come up with some lame excuse/sentence to cover up their wrong, it's sad. And us students have to sit here and put up with the teacher's fucking shit. Half the classes in school are boring as hell. Half the stuff you learn in school won't count for fuck when you're older.
It's like being put in a hellhole for 6 in a half hours, once you get outside, you can breathe.
Overall, school just plain sucks.
At school...
Teacher: Ok kids, I give you permission to talk once you have finished your assignment.
Student: *Finishes work and starts to yak*
Teacher: HEY, YOU! I told you not to talk until you've finished your work! What are you stupid, son?
Student: But I'm finished my work sir...
Teacher: Well then stop talking!
130👍 10👎
Two words: Hell hole.
I mean, come on! When in the hell will people just learn that no matter what they say kids don't give a shit?
School is a place to go if you want to find pot-heads, sluts, incredibly boring lectures that noone listens to anyway, the retarded, slow-witted beast known as the "principle", and any other form of shit that makes one's chlildhood less enjoyable.
Hell, my dad was thrown against a wall by a teacher, and got a concussion.
What the f*** is wrong with people that send their kids to scholl?
1371👍 152👎
The Most Highly disliked and hated place in society.
School is a place where you're rights such as using the bathroom,eating,drinking and talking are taken away,(I'm not talking about talking when the teachers talking and teaching,I'm talking about during class time and class work).
In school you learn useless stuff that you will never use in life.You waste 18 years learning stuff you thats useless and stuff you learned before.
Teachers also give test,quizes and homework,Some teachers fail to realize that kids have a life to,like a job,sports, and other activities,Some teachers just give too much homework and too many test and quizes,I'm not saying their shouldn't be any homework but not a whole lot of homework is necessary.
At lunch they give you unfilling,cold,uncooked food and gross food,Like why can't they cook and serve descent filling food?
also some school require school uniforms,because they belive that they improve academic success ,prevent trouble and stop cliques.This is false uniforms will not improve academic success,prevent trouble or prevent cliques.Also what kids wear has nothing to do with their school performance.What kids wear will never effect their learning.
Also,many people say that people who hate or dislike school are uneducated and get bad grades,this is a false statement even people who have straight A's and are in honors classes hate school.
Anybody with eyes and who's intelligent can see and understand why kids hate school!
Man I hate school,I don't see how people don't understand me. It's really simple to understand.
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