Loose ends found in a bag of weed (marijuana), or the trimmings of the marijuana plant one can buy in large quantities for cheap. A local term native to Pittsburgh it is also known as “shake.”
“Hey man I heard Luke is going to get some scratch from that dealer.” “Do you mean shake?” “Fuck off scratch is a better name. Just tell them to buy me a 1/2 so I can smoke a bowl.”
A coding program typically used in school computer classes.
Hello class, please open Scratch and begin coding a gun.
A form of coin or paper currency
I'm gonna hit the streets to get make dis scratch! Girl I'm tryin to get with him he's got dat scratch!
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Means to be thinking. Like when you are thinking you scratch your head.
person 1: "What's wrong?"
Person 2: "Nothin, I'm just scratching about what im doing this weekend.?
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A musical note of definite pitch, created when moving a piece of vinyl back and forth in a rhythmic fashion under a needle on a phonographic turntable. Accidentally discovered (and later perfected) by Grand Wizzard Theodore.
"In fact I can't see, or can't imagine, a man who ain't a lover of beats, or a fan of scratchin'." - Eminem - "Infinite"
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female who likes to give it up easily; whore
That is some fine looking scratch, unfortunately, she's got crabs.
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an irritated throat from partaking in too many combustibles.
damn man i have the scratch....do you have any beer?
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