Source Code

script kiddie

Someone who wants to be a hacker (or thinks they are) but lacks any serious technical expertise.

Nah, he's not a hacker. Just a lonely script kiddie.

by Chelonaut February 8, 2003

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script kiddy

a person (usually a kid) who downloads their hack programs, and then uses the program to hack others. also, noobs who dont know how to write their own viruses. thus being awarded the insulting name of script kiddy.

that script kiddy tried to hax me with some guys program.

by AkumaGouki May 4, 2004

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Script Filler

a scene in a movie that doesn't advance the plot. usually involves no dialogue or a music montage... to add time to the movie for it to match the length of a feature film (90 minute quota)

a good example is in Horror movies, where a character will enter a long dark hallway and it leads to a few minutes of nothing but a dark shot of "dead air" with no dialogue and little suspense... leading up to a small 'jump scare' from wind blowing a door shut.

Guy says: "that was total script filler, nothing significant came out of that 4 minute scene"

"i could have skipped that scene and not missed anything important to the plot"

by JBM2005 February 18, 2012

ghostwrite the 'script

Ghostwriting a scientific manuscript (e.g., one to be published in a major medical journal). A play on the phrase "ghostride the whip" popularized by hip hop culture from the San Francisco Bay Area.

Executive from big pharma: "How can we present the data from our new drug study in a credible, impartial light?"
Ghostwriter: "I'll ghostwrite the 'script, negotiate with a highly regarded physician for authorship, and submit it to the New England Journal of Medicine."

by madbay November 18, 2009

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Flipped the Script

For someone to be completely cool one minute then do a 180 and "flip the script" and go absolutely crazy on you.

When I told her I was going out tonight she flipped the script and cursed me out!

by FoxRox January 20, 2015

Script Girl

A blatant and shameless famewhore, who preys upon both horny internet dweebs, horny film nerds and horny guys with a knight in shining armor complex. Reads (badly) news regarding movies that will never get made written by people you've never heard of. Defended rabidly by the notoriously dubious AICN gang, home of several famewhores and knight complexes themselves. Setting back serious, intelligent women involved in Hollywood back many, many decades.

JackNanceRevenge: Okay, we need something that will make us famous, as our shitty movies sure ain't getting the job done.

John_T_Chance: I know! Let's get your girlfriend cum secretary to dress up in slutty outfits and read from Variety in a pretentious newscaster voice!

Script Girl: (as soon as someone richer or more powerful notices me I'm ditching these losers) Sounds great, guys! I'll let that fat loser who runs Ain't It Cool know we're coming!

by ChocolateReign September 14, 2008

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script kiddie

A True Fool. One to be looked down upon. They tend to use leet speak, but dont realize its true significance. They are usually 10-14 year old kids (or so) who think they are "1337 |-|4x0r5", but are really just trying to be cool.

They call themselves hackers (which is not the same as a cracker, a hacker is a programmer, a cracker is a person who breaks into computers), while they are neither hackers or crackers.

They use other peoples programs to do their simple "hacking", and usually end up getting caught.

Hackers are really cool people. Script kiddies are morons.

Hacker: I just wrote my 30th module for the Linux kernel! Linus Torvalds emails me every day, he loves my code!

Cracker: I just broke into the CIA's webpage and replaced all occurances of the president's name with "Mr. Dumbass", It's funny as hell!

Script Kiddie: j0, ph00! I ju57 stolezored me a b0rkified wind0ze 3.1 b0xor. It r0x0rz my s0x0rz. I wundr if it g0tz Linux on it? Whutz Linux anywayz?

by niffshack February 28, 2005

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