A well written otaku that likes to stay in his room, he is the housewarden of the dorm Ignihyde in Night Raven College.
He has a younger robotic brother named Ortho Shroud in which he modelled after his late little brother. He is 18 and shares a class with the campus Magicam influencer: Cater Diamond. He often uses otaku and internet slang, similar to the character Cater Diamond except they are polar opposites. Though he is the most iconic resident shut-in of Night Raven College, he does not take lightly to missing his classes. Hence, he uses a tablet to go to class for him via voice call. In the rare occasions where he goes outside he is always seen with the tablet, often holding it up like a protective shield. He is usually accompanied by Ortho Shroud during his time outside.
Overall, he is a interesting character in every aspect whether if it's his endearing personality and nerdy antics he is a sure hit with the fandom.
The Shrouded Ghost does not exist. Anyone who has claimed to see it is a paid actor
Non existent. If you say you've seen it, how much did rare pay you?
Oh shit is that the shrouded ghost? Nevermind I'm schizophrenic
When you don't get adrenaline from playing game's anymore
Bro I feel desolate when I game I think I have shroud syndrome
The younger brother of Idia Shroud, he is a technomantic humanoid who wants to understand and learn more about humanity and how to become more “human”.
Ortho Shroud was created by Idia Shroud after the likeliness of Idia's late little brother. He is an extroverted boy, always happy to learn and interact with humans and fae alike. He cares deeply for his brother and will immediately go to his defense is anyone was to insult him. Other than that, he is an outgoing individual who is equally as helpful. His creation involved both magic and technology. Due to him being a highly advanced technomantic humanoid he is extremely observant and powerful, as shown by the fact that he has built in scanners to collect data in an area within seconds. He has received a load of upgrades and unique features installed by Idia, ranging from extremely powerful magical beams to medical equipment. Not to mention, with the world of the internet so easily accessible at his fingertips he can answer any question and download information on a variety of topics; as long as it exists on the internet.
Overall, he is an interesting character that shouldn't be so overlooked, though he has a kind and optimistic personality he can sometimes be a bit mischievous as well.
i love ortho shroud
A cloth that covers a dead body. Shroud can also mean an object that hides something.
Did you see the shroud over Garret's body in the picture?