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since, huh, when?

An iconic Chris Hemsworth quote

Chris Evans: That’s RDJ?
Chris Hemsworth: Shut Up! β€œSince, huh, when?”

by gabi with no context April 1, 2021

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N*sinc With Guitars

1) a broad term covering bands like and not limited to: Good Carlotte, Simple Plan, Greenday, Linkin Park, Yellowcard, Sum 41, Hoobastank, and many other shit bands that sound like Nsinc with guitars in the background.
2)Good Charlotte
3) Bands liked by teeny boppers

Goth Poser #1) LiKe, OMG!!! I jUsT g0t TeH nEw LP cD!!!!
Goth Poser #2) w0w! LiKe BuRn Me A c0pY>> DeN iLL LiKe gIvE u A cOpY of mY GOOD CHARLOTTE cd!!!
Me) *WTF* im guessing you all have tickets to the yellowcard concert then? *caugh*

by rammstein666 February 25, 2005

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iLL Since Birth

iLL SiNce BiRth Ent. was founded by a Recording Artist from Long Beach known to many as KL33N KiNg, and to others as DouBLe K. With all this recent talk of how Hip Hop is dead and how the music industry has come to a shortfall to produce any real artists, Double K is the exact anecdote the game needs to be brought back to life. He is not bound to any one form of music but explores and incorporates all genres into his music including: Jazz,Latin,R&B,Soul,Reggae,Rock,Pop,and Hip Hop. He does not get caught up in the hype and conform to what other artists are doing or saying rather he creates his own image and portrays real music to the T. He always speaks from real life experiences and his own impoverished childhood. He has not had a great life thus far; however, his determination, tenacity, will to succeed, and mainly his trust in god has brought him to where he is today. A very prolific artist, already working on his 4th Album and making moves to book shows and gigs anywhere his music will be heard, proves that his whole goal in this business is to bring hip hop back to how it used to be, when artists would gather and β€œRap” just for the hell of it, just for that feeling of adrenaline it gave them to hear the shouts(some good some bad)of their peers. As K put it β€œif you’ve never been criticized negatively,you dont knoe what it is to be a true artist."

ill since birth is not only a music group from the LB they also help craft young aspiring artists to reach theyre full potential, produce beats, produce tracks, create album art, and help master you tracks.

by Hiphop106 December 3, 2009

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nine days since

The amazing local emo like band from the boring city of pollution itself, Windsor, Ontario. Consists of insanely hot drummer...and three other guys.

Wow...That drummer guy is the sex.

by [x][jackIE - l e E][*] June 1, 2005

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since jesus was an embryo

This phrase, often used in Navy circles especially by Benz's while chastising wannabes, means "for a fucking long time."

"You guys have been here since Jesus was an embryo and you still can't do the Chief run!"

by Billy B Bad February 15, 2015

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A 1 since day 1

Always been real, since the beginning.

I don't have to front or fake, because I've been A 1 since day 1.

by TPAPA January 21, 2015

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since Saving Private Ryan

A phrase used to compare something, even when they aren't movie related.

Coined after Grantland writer Bill Simmons used it when reviewing the movie The Lone Survivor. Readers then made fun of him by using it in their email questions.

Ex: This is the best Patriots team since Saving Private Ryan.

That's the hottest girl since Saving Private Ryan.

Dude, you're the worst driver since Saving Private Ryan.

by A. Dufresne January 19, 2014

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