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verb: To dispose of an unwanted item or person by throwing them down into an open slate mine. Most often used in eastern PA.

"Mr. Smith got read of all his illegitimate children by slate-mining them."

by thequarryqypsy January 27, 2009

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dirty slate

When you drop a duece, and look and theres shit literally everywhere.

Dude i just got done shitting and when i looked i realized i had created a dirty slate rather than a clean slate. There was fecal matter EVERYWHERE. I nearly puked when i saw it.

by TheWeirdPotato November 16, 2013

Cleaning the Slate

Cleaning the slate is the act of getting so drunk that you wipe your brain clean of any recent information that you may have gathered. Slate cleanings are popular after big tests, projects, deadlines, or break-ups.

Josh had a really rough finals week, so he planned on cleaning the slate over the weekend to free up more space in his brain.

by mad_mike701 August 29, 2011

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Blank Slate

A person who expresses no emotion. A person who is dead inside.

Her expression is nothing but a blank slate.

by SUnicors April 29, 2018

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clean slate

when dropping a deuce, when you wipe your ass and the toilet paper is completely free of any fecal matter.

I pinched off a big old dump, and after wiping I was pleased to see it was a clean slate.

by Heavy555 August 2, 2012

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Mindy Slate

A fine ass girl that's the shizznit.

Sup Mindy, we go out later.

by Dedifier October 15, 2003

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Running Slate

The act of going "all out" on a school spirit day.

Nick totally was running slate on the ENTIRE school today.

by np601 November 5, 2010