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National smack your ex girls ass day

National Smack your ex girls ass day. Tickle her

Yooo bro it’s national Smack your ex girls ass day

by Xxxbigdlck October 22, 2019

1👍 3👎


To signal a sentence with mournful intentions

I'm going to smack-ass bang that dude

by The dumb kimbo June 15, 2017

National smack an ass week

April 15-19 it’s gonna be national smack an ass week

Just go up to someone and slap their ass and say “it’s national smack an ass week

by Premethias🧸💵👀 April 15, 2019

Smack ass Tuesday

Gotta grab/smack ass day so girls don’t get mad when you get ya ass smacked or grabbed

Today’s smack ass Tuesday

by K.O.S_Naz May 25, 2021

National Smack ass day

December 6National Smack ass day Walk to any girl/guy and smack their ass

National smack ass day means you can hit anyones butt
smack means hit and ass means butt and national means around the world

by Steph..323 December 4, 2021

national smack ass day

On May 28th taken or not you're allowed to smack someone's ass

Yoo Tyrone it's national smack ass day

by Daddy-thicc April 11, 2018

Smacked ass

The name of the guy in a relationship where a chick is just using the guy she’s with but he thinks she loves him

“Man - if that guy only knew how she really felt about him ….. he’s such a smacked ass!”

by MollyRust September 21, 2022