When someone is in the process of making a regrettable decision, but can’t be stopped. Usually alcohol and/or class A substances are involved.
“That man took a serious head stagger and hasn’t been to work in 3 weeks”
“He will surely lose the job again”
A man who is very scary and has both parts. Stan his mom tho.
Look at that Mitchem Staggers.
Killing all but one, very weak, small, helpless player on the enemy team and keeping them alive for as long as possible so that they are unable to regroup fast, making the enemy team have to wait for that player so that they're a full team again. Going as far as using cc (crown control) to prevent them from jumping off the mapCommonly used in Overwatch Competitive
aka a baby D.va's worst nightmare
Player 1: *Gets a 5k*
Enemy D.va: *De-mechs*
Player 2: Stagger her
*Baby D.va staggering begins*
The weak kneed walk to bathroom after you just had amazing sex.
Tiffany had just had multiple orgasms, I lit a cigarette & watched her FUCK Stagger to the bathroom.
the best website ever. such beauty with its moves
staggering beauty is werk of art
It's another word for butthole.
I can fit three, almost four fingers in my stagger.