The finest example of a commercialization of a popular game. Steam has only one main purpose and that's to fill Valves pockets. Steam takes away your freedom by forcing you to autoupdate annoying updates almost every week. Valve makes it impossible to add custom features, like skins or tools. Programmed by the noobs at Valve Corp.
220๐ 155๐
A way of ruining games quickly and efficiently, without having to confront the people who play it.
A piece of shitware which forces you to connect to DDoS'ed servers.
An idea originally thought up by Hitler
Holy Steam, it's happening again!!!!
193๐ 135๐
A digital download system based on auto-updates, friends-lists, and no DRM.
Although not perfect it's a much better option then Gamestop and dealing with the asshole customers rip off resales, cheap ass trade in values that rip you off at every possible opportunity.
Steam was created by valve to sell there products along with indie products and occasionally other stuff. Many people claim that Steam is only around to line valves pockets but really they are just upset by the bugs and mistakes valve made with the program rather then having really issues with it.
Despite it's wonderful usage and application Steam has it's fair share of faults. Mainly slow processing which can delay downloads massively, auto-updates without any notification, and the occasional bugs and glitches.
Despite this Steam is often regarded as a massively useful program and a god send because of it's lack of pointless DRM which most other digital download services are plagued with. It also has often sales which can give a great product away at a great price.
Guy: Steam sucks it's so laggy and never loads an-OH that indie game is on sale for 50% off must buy!
Gabe: Another job well done :D
19๐ 9๐
The only thing on the face of the earth that could have so many errors. Using it is like unwanted anal sex by some big burly man named Betty.
2)Satan's HL replacement for WON.
Wow, gg steam. GJ with making 24 out of the 29 people on NAR#2 the Gorge Hideout server randomly drop, completely ruining the game.
Wait... why are 666 and a bunch of pentagrams with stars in them included in the steam help file?
245๐ 179๐
An online gaming store created by Valve as a way to make money off of games, people worked hard on, just so they can make a profit because THEY'RE TOO DAMN LAZY TO MAKE HALF-LIFE 3 OR A NEW PORTAL GAME! Way to go Gabe Newell, suck up all the profits from the hard work indie developers go through only to find out all the cash goes to Newell buying more Big Macs to sustain his life-support.
Gabe Newell:"Suddenly I lost my ability to make new games."
Valve Employee: "Dude, let's be like EA and make a store called Steam, where we trick game developers to making games on the store, where they believe they would get the majority of the profit, but in reality, we take all the cash and buy another McDonalds for you."
Gabe Newell: "That's a shit-tastic idea!"
6๐ 2๐
The un-amazing way in which Valve has decided to let people play Counter-Strike and Half-Life, so buggy a program it is almost completley unusable.
"Damn, That's almost as buggy as Steam"
253๐ 189๐
A one-shot-one-kill weapon usable by gaming companies to kill a game. See "awp".
Valve1-0 killed Counter-Strike0-1 with "STEAM"
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