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straight up fact

something that is true & in no way could be a lie

"Wriggely's belive it or not i saw what you did"-Hanney "thats a srtaight up fact yo"
Jo loves Brian <-- thats a straight up fact
"Errbody think yous a slut because you dress like a bust down"..."thats a striaght up fact chicka sorry"...."wtf ever yous juss jealous"

by josahoelamo May 20, 2008

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straight up beans

to be really fantastic, awesome, spectacular

"Bro, I just won a million dollars!"

"Dude, that is straight up beans!"

by obamamamamamamamamamamamamamam January 26, 2016

Straight Up the Pile

To be for real, straight up.

Yo man--you be "straight up the pile."

"You got that right."

for real straight up cool tight

by JLKLM November 18, 2009

straight up thug

A person who will go to any extreme to get what he wants.Violence and odds will not stand in his way.A way of complementing someone on being a bad-ass.

Man I saw you when you were fighting those 3 guys,you were a straight up thug.

by The Bushrod555 November 25, 2013

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straight up ass

When something is extremely bad,

and you want to make it clear that it just sucks.
Typically used informally.

A:"Hey, let's buy these chips as well"
B:"Nah man, those ones are straight up ass"
A:"That bad?"
B:"Yeah man, I've tried them. Let's take these other ones instead"

by word-god-from-hell July 12, 2023

Straight-Up Dankness

The quintessential manifestation of the divine God in human form. It is known that people with such overwhelming amount of power of this kind have irregularly large hards. For example, Jimmy Neutron, but greater. Usually, with such a divine manifestation of power, one has a vice of sorts. For example, to deal with the overwhelming power, the man who exemplifies Straight-Up Dankness may find a way to channel that energy, be it proper or improper according to law. It matters not whether it is proper or improper, because this man is pivotal in all our lives, spreading greatness, love, compassion, smarts, legitimacy, and most of all, Straight-Up Dankness, to all of our lives.

John felt a strange feeling as he felt a bolt of lightning appear to strike his subconscious. His eyes fixed on the man smoking outside of Kmart who appeared to have an aura about him. John said to Edward, "Now THAT is the definition of Straight-Up Dankness."
Edward replied, "Indeed," as the essence of the divine shocked him in a profound, life-changing way.

by His Holiness of Polish Freedom May 20, 2011

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straight up and down

Used when sayin somethings on point, cool, rad, legit etc. usually when talkin about a bands performance

"Yeah you guys we're right on, straight up and down"

by straightupanddown October 15, 2009

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