Source Code

Fa Strife

1). when one is going through many hardships, or rough


2.) a synonym used often when one is talking about Thug Life indicating that the user of this word has recently been stressed.

3.) Can be used when explaining how hard it is to be a Thug.

1). Im sad because I have so much fa strife in my life.

2) "is it fa strife?"

3). "Im living the Thug Life, baby im hopless, fa strife."

4.). "What about your life?, Well what about ma strife?"

by Kadafi trained soldier October 14, 2009

5👍 2👎

Cloud Strife

The hottest, coolest, blondest, spikiest, softest fictional man. He's my man, we're married. He just doesn't know it yet. Did I mention how hot he is?

Person: Cloud Strife is ugly.
Me: If you don't walk away in three seconds you will be dead. Don't test me

by YourLocalCloudSimp November 23, 2021

9👍 2👎

circle of strife

The real circle of life.

We pay our taxes so the government can pay the IRS employees to keep taxing. Ahhhhhh yes, the circle of strife continues.

by Jim Heuberger October 27, 2005

3👍 2👎

Strife Life

When your life is so chaotic, yet so haggard you have nothing left but a pair of socks and a mickey of wisers

"Man, my grandma just got robbed at gun point"

"Strife life gringo"

by Anaraxic July 11, 2008

6👍 11👎

cloud strife

he is a man who's mind is out in the great green grass.he was in soldier and of couse misses all the fun.a type of guy that has trouble with the girls,
thinking at 18 men would grow out of that.a man stuck in childish mind, woundering whats real and whats not real, whats life worth ,how heavy is the bueden on his back. By the time the smartalkie finally figures it all out its to late to make up the time lost.

"only a puppet in his eyes."Cloud strife

by Cloud Alen Strife September 8, 2003

33👍 100👎

Cloud Strife

A blonde emo who seems to have aspies but needs have his balls cut off by Sephiroth.

"Sephiroth hates Cloud Strife and other tards"

by Sasquatch_Rebel May 3, 2008

37👍 140👎

LUEshi Strife

An ascii of Cloud Strife...with Yoshi's head!!

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OMG...its LUEshi Strife...run for it!!

by EvilNcr March 25, 2004

4👍 21👎