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Swag + Delicious. Hot take on the word “Swag”. Not limited to compliments. It’s sensory driven. You can feel Swagalicious. Innovation; the stepping stone to creation. Artists nationwide. Abbreviations of Swagin’ and Swag are appropriate. Inspiration: 2010-2015 time period(s).

The DJ is ragging. I saw her throw up glitter on the bathroom floor. Oh wow, I love your sneakers”.
“Cool init. I’m a designer. I spray paint graffiti around town and try to mimic it within my clothing pieces”.


by cyb3rdr3amang3l December 4, 2023


A term originated from the kids game Animal Jam, meaning fun, cool, or interesting. Many players were shocked when this term was added to AJHQ's strict vocabulary list that players were allowed to type.

Friend - Hey, look at this!
Me - Swagalicious :3

by Little.L.4.Life November 23, 2016


Not just swag, but swagalicious

Can only be used by the swaggiest of swag people

Swag +1

Example 1: Yo bro, that looks swagalicious!

Example 2:
Person 1: You just won the lottery!
Person 2: Swagalicious!

by Muffeles May 11, 2023