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Sweatin da barrel

Sweatin da barrel refers to a sex act which involves the use of a bucket or large bowl along with a set of strong lengthy fingers; preferably from a male

Bro I'm telling you, I got her sweatin da barrel and it was a gushy mess.

by ShweaterPete January 19, 2017

dick sweatin

When a guy is constantly braging about another male preferably a male friend and what they have.

Guy one: Mike stay clean all the time he has money,nice car a house i wish i had that
Guy two: Man stop dick sweatin mike ugh get ya own dude!

by daqueen7440 October 2, 2015

mule sweatin'

When a very country low class woman gets turned on and her vagina becomes wet/moist.

Damn, that feller over there is so sexy he got my mule sweatin'.

by Skittle_Pop May 25, 2023