Source Code


cute cool popular from WCD

Nikki: I wanna be apart of the CCP and I don't because of Mackenzie

by shabaladoda April 1, 2022


CCP is an acronym for Collin Cool Points, and is used as a currency for how much reputation you have with a real one.

Damn bro, you just earned 200 CCP from doing that!

by CCP giver April 13, 2021


ching chong pussy

He loves that CCP (ching chong pussy)

by SUCKABALLS April 20, 2023


Abbreviation for "Chinese child porn"

He got arrested for having 15GB of CCP in his computer.

by MoldSw May 15, 2024


short for Cheddar Cheese Pussy

When a woman is secreting cheddar cheese-looking like excretions from her vagina.

Invented by Samara Chalendi

Friend A: She a bad bitch!
Friend B: Why?
Friend A: 'Cause she got CCP but still be getting mad dick.

Man 1: So did you go down on her?
Man 2: Hell no, dude. She got a CCP. It smelled awful.

Friend 1: What did the gynaecologist say about your problem?
Friend 2: She said I had a bad case of CCP.

by samcha_20 November 15, 2021


Comparative Competing Product Smugness: verb - When a person mentions an issue with a particular product, and an acquaintance states that they never have an issue with a competing product that they own.

You: "I'm having a problem with my Android phone".

Them: "I never have that problem with iPhone"
You: "That's so CCPS" or "Stop CCPS'ing me"

You: "My vsCode is acting up really bad."
Them: "I never have a problem with Atom."
You: "I'm so sick of your Comparative Competing Product Smugness"

by you_just_dont_get_it June 16, 2021


Cute,Cool and popular person.

I am a CCP person in school.

by aliyahjohnson772 July 14, 2021